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Postby kevin » Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:55 pm


I have no idea as to why Wags was at all involved, or quoted.

No-thing moves.
But to begin to comprehend this it first needs a very difficult comprehension of a fixed crystalline universe where all things are memory based with polarity and equator dual spin heart centred flows of aether.
The electrogravitic and electromagnetic components of this are reacting to the sea of such they are within, and form light and sounds as they vary.

Cancer is a new memory, and as such receives information to expand to its encoded design, it will take available aether flows to expand.

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Postby wags » Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:08 pm


I was not personally involved in the case, it was as she says interesting though.
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Postby GManIM » Wed Apr 06, 2016 5:30 pm

I wonder if Nancy has done any experiments with xylitol.

It's possible that certain tumors, particularly those that have switched from oxidation to phosphorylation metabolic pathways, are very demanding of sugars and xylitol gives them what they "want" - but not what they "need". (In a similar fashion to bacteria, which tend to "die smiling" when they receive xytlitol)

Sato, Wang and van Eys wrote:Numerous studies regarding metabolic comparison of xylitol with glucose and other sugars in rat liver and human have been reported (7,13,17,
31 ). None of the data, however, have dealt with metabolism of this polyol in tumors. Differences in carbohydrate metabolism between host and tumor have been observed in the present study. To find sugars that tumors might not be able to utilize, the polyol xylitol was compared with glucose as substrate for tumor cells. All hepatocellular carcinomas and normal rat liver showed similar rates of utilizing glucose, while xylitol was poorly metabolized in all tumors studied. The tumors of FB56 and AS-30D demonstrated a particularly low utilization of xylitol. Since NAD+-dependent polyol dehydrogenase and NADP^-dependent xylitol dehydrogenase activities in cells of AS-30D hepatocarcinoma were markedly low, this poor utilization reflects as either a qualitative or a quantitative metabolic deficiency by the tumor.

It is known that increased glycolysis parallels an increased growth rate of tumors (34). If this biochemical phenomenon implies large energy requirements for tumor proliferation, the faster-growing tumors may be sensitive to unfavorable substrates which do not participate in energy production.

Rats bearing FB56 and AS-30D tumors, therefore, are good models to further study the tumor-host relationship in energy metabolism.

(my emphases)

Having said that, there are a number of sources that suggest it may actually be a carcinogen of itself.
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Postby Mikado14 » Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:37 pm

I heard of the xylitol in place of sugar could be an aid in the battle against cancer.

Sort of lends a bit of credence to the maple sugar therapy whereas, you take maple sugar with sodium bicarbonate in a 2:1 ratio and use that for all your sweetening for a period of two weeks and then every month or two you do it again. The idea is that the cancer will consume the sugar from the maple sugar but the baking soda will be the killer. I think it was referred to as a Trojan Horse therapy.

...uh...the concoction is heated and stirred to get the two to bond and it must not go over 105 or 110 degrees.

Fred was the one who brought it to light.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Postby GManIM » Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:58 pm

That is an intriguing suggestion. The baking soda as the killer - and, it would seem, the xylitol may be acting as a metabolic "brake" upon tumor cell proliferation.

Is that degrees F or degrees C?

Then there is cannabidiol. I can't find a reference to a Brazilian study from about fifteen years back which seemed to suggest that cultures in a CBD substrate show much slower rates of growth and metastasis, I'll keep digging for that and similar studies

[EDIT] I still have the PDF, it was Robert Ramer and Burkhard Hinz. A German study. Perhaps the Brazilian study was the one about CBD as an atypical antipsychotic.

Aha! Vaccani, Massi, Colombo, Rubino and Parolaro "Cannabidiol inhibits human glioma cell migration through a cannabinoid receptor independent mechanism" (Brazilian Journal of Pharmacology) I think that was it.
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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:34 pm

As far as WAGS involvement... I was told there was "internet concern"... and the words used were the same as what Wags had been writing. Wags had been in contact with the owner of the building next to us and offered help.

Cost thousands of dollars in legal fees...even though I did all the legal research, wrote the argument and questions for the witnesses. Annoying, as that money had been designated for a 3-D printer to bring the Johnny Tubes to the next level.

It was a couple months after the trial that the cancer grew in my neck.

It is ALL about movement...aka as "sound".
Information, patterns
The resultant of the interaction of movement, creating the physical "realm".
Miscommunication, the wrong flow...and the body will "do what it needs to do".
Create cancer.

My liver was in really bad shape. Had done testing with Regent urine strips when I was passing kidney stones. The test strip affirmed the kidney stones...and that I was spilling bilirubin in my urine...not good. Liver function is very important for the immune system. Liver not happy, body does not process the crap our of your body. After several months of a liver flush every month (thought I was going to die the first liver flush...HUGE amount of stones)..... no more bilirubin in my urine. Once my liver was better, the tumors dramatically decreased in size, and the black salve treatment "went deeper".

Liver stopping up the flow
Body compensates

Kevin... not quite sure I am seeing what you are saying
IMO, this physical realm is the resultant of the interaction of movement.

If you look at a coffee cup, and observe, "The coffee cup is red"
You are wrong.
The coffee cup is every color, EXCEPT for red.
The sound/movement/light frequencies are interacting with the substance of the coffee cup. The coffee cup absorbs everything, except

That is exactly how the physical realm "is".
The table is "everything except for a table".
Everything, aka
Zero, aka
the Aether

The table is everything/zero/aether ... except for
a table

Movement/sound (what we call frequencies)
"Goes in and out of" the Everything/Zero/Aether
Trillions of times a second
A rhythm, which creates time
Time... the measurement of the relationship to movement

John Hutchison spent much of his childhood listening to STATIC on the radio.
Static....the pause...the stop of movement

He figured out how to put what he calls "information"
In between
During the pause
Information is movement

He changes the music/movement, thereby changing the physical matter
Just like very parent does when they sing a lullaby to a crying baby.

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Postby kevin » Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:35 am

You say tomatoes, I say tomartoes.

Going back to Your opening post......

I agree, and it is then a new entity, which this musical universe responds to, to enable development.
Then the dominant resident host field becomes takeable.

At this time the dominant field need as much input as it can muster to drown out the new embryo.
unfortunately they seem to diminish the host instead.

Basically I consider that such as Fukishima is emitting bad sounds that are trying to fit back into the orchestra , as such.
How goes the ray gun?

I should explain to You and John why I was so concerned about what You were doing.
I was concerned at any possible feed to new cancers been inadervantly made available by that ray gun.

I am certain that no such intentions were ever part of your wonderfull attempts to neutralise that sickening outflow.

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Postby Mikado14 » Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:49 am

GManIM wrote:That is an intriguing suggestion. The baking soda as the killer - and, it would seem, the xylitol may be acting as a metabolic "brake" upon tumor cell proliferation.

Is that degrees F or degrees C?

Then there is cannabidiol. I can't find a reference to a Brazilian study from about fifteen years back which seemed to suggest that cultures in a CBD substrate show much slower rates of growth and metastasis, I'll keep digging for that and similar studies

[EDIT] I still have the PDF, it was Robert Ramer and Burkhard Hinz. A German study. Perhaps the Brazilian study was the one about CBD as an atypical antipsychotic.

Aha! Vaccani, Massi, Colombo, Rubino and Parolaro "Cannabidiol inhibits human glioma cell migration through a cannabinoid receptor independent mechanism" (Brazilian Journal of Pharmacology) I think that was it.

GMan, that would be in Fahrenheit.
The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Postby kevin » Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:01 am


I write from a simple platform, not a complex scientific one.
I view all lifeforms via dowsing, and then formulate a sort of spreadsheet of the consequences.

Pregnant women and the very young are akin to fully charged batteries, and the resultant inflows into their torroidal fields enables creation as matter amasses.

As We age that field slowly shrinks, and this then has the consequence of none renewal of cells etc, it's a highly difficult skill to acquire to be able to switch across from field to field at will, thus the heart field...the brain field etc etc.
Just think of me as a radio that the tuning dial can be turned instantly to whatever channel I think of.
I wander lonely as a cloud in this strange ability world, and thus I do not fit into many others realities.

When it comes to cancer, I tune to it, and it's akin to a new born bleeting to be fed.

I have no fear of dying, but this vehicle I occupy is programmed to stay above ground as long as possible, and the pain of My father dying holding his hand from cancer is vivid, and I vowed to beat the thing.
I view You and John as wonderfull human beings, different to many, but who am I to judge.?

May this universe sing it's songs to You and all who are also trying the best they can.

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Postby kevin » Thu Apr 07, 2016 1:29 pm

The aged are far more susceptible to whatever due to their fields been so weak.
In America I think something is called GWEN TOWERS, here Tetra towers.
Overall there is a massive increase in digital signals.

I check those with dementia and alzhiemers with interest.
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