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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:46 pm

Since Fukushima blew up, I have refused to use an airplane for travel... to dangerous with the radiation.
In May of last year, vehicle problems on the road required that I fly in order to meet deadlines of what had to be done here.
It was about a month later that I found "bad spots" on my skin...then the mess in my neck.

I see physical matter like people dancing in a big club.
The radioactive elements are like white boys with no rhythm.
Timing...TIME is off.
They jump around, arms and legs whacking into people.
We are trying to teach the white boys how to "move with the group".

So many more clues.
Some define pH as "potential Hydrogen".
Life needs more pH to "balance the timing".
Cancer likes/creates low pH/acid.
The immune system is supposed to deal with "problems".
When the immune system doesn't handle a problem, the body responds by creating a tumor.
Maybe the tumor "becomes cancer".
Sometimes I wonder if cancer is the final attempt at survival. Our bodies telling us that our SYSTEM is collapsing. Time for us to take an active role in maintaining the organic machine that our "artificial intelligence" is using to move around on the planet.
Conventional (USA) medicine thinks "killing everything" with chemo or radiation and hoping the immune system recovers is the answer. A bunch of dumb fu*ks.

Radiation is movement.
"Sound", and what we observe as frequencies is movement.
Magnetism is that which directs movement/radiation/sound.
I find it interesting that we use magnets in audio speakers, and how many speakers we have blown in the work we do.

What changes the movement/flow when we "age"?
IMO ... magnetism

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Postby FM No Static At All » Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:36 am

Mikado14 wrote:I heard of the xylitol in place of sugar could be an aid in the battle against cancer.

Sort of lends a bit of credence to the maple sugar therapy whereas, you take maple sugar with sodium bicarbonate in a 2:1 ratio and use that for all your sweetening for a period of two weeks and then every month or two you do it again. The idea is that the cancer will consume the sugar from the maple sugar but the baking soda will be the killer. I think it was referred to as a Trojan Horse therapy.

...uh...the concoction is heated and stirred to get the two to bond and it must not go over 105 or 110 degrees.

Fred was the one who brought it to light.


Dr. Simoncini Baking Soda Treatment For Cancer (NaHCO3)

Very Important Note

This treatment should not be used for more than three weeks at a time. During the first week no more than two TEAspoons a day of baking soda should be taken orally. During the second and third week no more than one TEAspoon a day of baking soda should be taken orally. Only under the care of a medical practitioner should these maximum internal doses be exceeded.

For skin cancers and other external cancers (including a rectal enema), where the baking soda solution comes into direct contact with the cancer, this restriction does not apply.
Fred a.k.a.
FM No Static at All

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Postby Mikado14 » Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:37 am

Thanks for that Fred. I was unaware of the dosage limits.

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Postby GManIM » Sat Apr 23, 2016 2:12 pm

I've gotten rid of some worrisome looking moles using 6% hydrogen peroxide. They tingled as I applied the stuff and after a week or so fell off, revealing an underside of dead blood vessels and leaving behind clean pink skin. Notwithstanding H2O2's destructive effects, I was reminded that cells that switch to anaerobic metabolism are much less tolerant of free oxygen than the aerobic ones.
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