Gracias Kevin por el pdf, quizas sería mejor dejarlo en otro apartado pues no tiene relación con las fuentes de poder, de todas formas gracias por el pdf, lo leeré aunque está fuera de mis posibilidades reales de construcción .................................................................................................... Thanks Kevin for the pdf, it might be better to leave it in another section it has no relation to the sources of power, anyway thanks for the pdf, I'll read but is out of my real possibilities of construction.
A razón de 3Kv/m.m siendo la longitud de la chispa unos 90m.m la estimación de la diferencia de potencial puede ser de 270Kv..................A ratio of 3 Kv / m.m the length of the spark 90m.m estimating a potential difference can be 270Kv
" must first understand the nature, then imitate..."
nada chicos que acabo de acabar mi nuevo juguetito, es mas le he incorporado un potenciometro de compensación pues al conectar el multimetro que tiene 10Megas en paralelo sobre la resistencia que tiene 1 Mega en la escala 1000:1 la resistencia equivalente es diferente al resto de resistencias de 1 Mega enseriadas y por ende la caida de tensión tambíen es diferente y lo que pretedemos es que sea proporcional, en fin que lo he clavado... he hecho una prueba una vez ajustada la compensación con 50,0Voltios de fuente de alimentación y me han salido 50,0 milivoltios en el tester empleando el divisor de tensión de 1000, despues he variado varias veces la tensión de la fuente y la visualización del multimetro es siempre la milesima parte por lo tanto es proporcional por lo tanto he conseguido mi propósito yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!.................................................................................................................................................Nothing guys who just finished my new toy is more I have incorporated a compensation potentiometer for connecting the multimeter has 10Megas in parallel on resistance having 1 Mega on the 1000 scale: 1 equivalent resistance is different the other resistors of 1 Mega enseriadas and thus the voltage drop is also different and what is to be proportional pretedemos, I've finally nailed ... I've done a test after adjusting the compensation of 50,0Voltios power supply and I have come 50.0 millivolts in the tester using the voltage divider 1000, I then changed several times the voltage of the source and display multimeter is always the thousandth therefore is proportional therefore I have achieved my purpose
Sensitivity of a meter is defined as the "current sensitivity for full scale deflection" and not the internal resistance which is usually very low resistance. What you have given me sounds like the input impedance/resistance of your meter.
The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.
"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” ― Søren Kierkegaard