, sinceramente creo que estan ustedes trabajando en un concepto erroneo, hay que aplicar la lógica...
Si lo que se pretende entre otras cosas es que haya una carga positiva en el centro y una carga negativa en los satelites como en el modelo "electrón de bohr" deben de experimentar la opción mas plausible que es precisamente esta que yo les estoy exponiendo a grandes rasgos.
Simplemente si desean que el centro sea positivo (+) osea con ausencia marcada de electrones ustedes deben de emplear un imán de ferrita recubierto de cobre y con un anillo externo de TEFLON.
Si desean que los satelites tengan carga negativa (-) osea exceso de electrones ustedes tienen que emplear imanes de ferrita recubiertos de cobre para hacerlos conductores y rodearlos de NYLON.
Tan solo hay que hacer rotar el anillo central en un sentido para que el resto de satelites roten en sentido opuesto y se empiecen a arrancar electrones de la superficie del rotor central.
Después necestitarán unas escobillas metalicas o "peine" que vaya recogiendo los electrones para ir acumulandolos en los imanes recubiertos de cobre, de esa forma usted tendra un generador electrostático capaz de generar millones de voltios, crear una ionización extrema con descarga de plasma.
Por otra parte la disposición de los imanes creo que es contraria, es decir que todos los imanes de los satelites deben de repelerse entre si y a la vez repelerse del centro de esa forma se crea un campo "B" que corta perpendicularmente al campo "A" y crea unas FUERZAS DE LORENTZ PERPENDICULARES AL CAMPO "A" Y CAMPO "B" .............. CUYO PLASMA CREADO Y SENTIDO DE DESPLAZAMIENTO AYUDARIA A ACELERAR EL ROTOR Y LOS SATELITES UNOS RESPECTO A OTROS.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear, I sincerely believe that you are working on a misconception, you have to apply the logic ...
If it is intended, among other things, that there is a positive charge in the center and a negative charge on the satellites as in the "bohr electron" model, they must experience the most plausible option that is precisely this that I am exposing to Broadly.
Simply if you want the center to be positive (+) bone with a marked absence of electrons you should use a copper-coated ferrite magnet and an outer TEFLON ring.
If you want the satellites to have negative charges (-) or excess electrons you have to use copper-coated ferrite magnets to make them conductors and surround them with NYLON.
Just rotate the center ring in one direction so that all other satellites rotate in the opposite direction and begin to pull electrons from the surface of the central rotor.
Then you will need a metal brush or comb that collects the electrons to accumulate them in the magnets covered with copper, that way you will have an electrostatic generator capable of generating millions of volts, create an extreme ionization with discharge of plasma.
On the other hand the arrangement of the magnets I think is contrary, that is to say that all the magnets of the satellites must repel each other and at the same time repel from the center of that form a field "B" is created that cuts perpendicularly to the field "A "And creates PERPENDICULAR LORENTZ FORCES TO FIELD" A "AND FIELD" B ".............. WHOSE PLASMA CREATED AND DIRECTION OF DISPLACEMENT WOULD HELP TO ACCELERATE ROTOR AND SATELLITES WITH RESPECT TO OTHERS
Hola señor!! Perdone por la dura traducción de Google Español-Inglés, un anillo metalico perfectamente redondo atrae menos las cargas que un cepillo o peine acabado en puntas de metal afiladas, el motivo es el "efecto punta" gracias a este efecto las cargas (-) rescatadas por el rodillo son atraidas hacia las puntas y podemos cargar los imanes conductores, es el mismo efecto empleado en los pararrayos, a fin de cuentas estamos construyendo un condensador electrico que se carga a elevados voltajes mediante el efecto triboelectrico:
La logica me dice que como ahora mismo se está planteando la construcción no tiene ningún sentido, al estar rodando metal con metal no hay ningún tipo generación electrica siendo necesaria la activación externa con fuente de alta tensión, en cambio con mi sistema propuesto a mayor velocidad de rotación mayor arrastre de cargas y mayor diferencia de potencial, el limite de la diferencia de potencial acumulada lo da el diametro de los conductores osea los imanes de ferrita forrados de cobre, a mayor diametro mayor carga acumulada y mayor tensión adquirida sin que necesariamente tenga que descargar por chispa.
Hello sir!! Sorry for the hard translation of Google Spanish-English, a perfectly round metal ring attracts less loads than a brush or comb finished in sharp metal tips, the motive is the "peak effect" thanks to this effect rescued (-) loads By the roller are attracted to the tips and we can charge the conductive magnets, is the same effect used in lightning rods, after all we are building an electric capacitor that is charged at high voltages by the triboelectric effect:
The logic tells me that as it is being proposed, the construction does not make any sense, being rolling metal with metal there is no type of electric generation being necessary the external activation with high voltage source, instead with my system proposed at higher speed Of rotation greater drag of loads and greater potential difference, the limit of the accumulated potential difference is given by the diameter of the conductors bone ferrite magnets lined with copper, the greater diameter the greater the accumulated load and the greater the voltage acquired without necessarily having To download by spark.
Eliminating electrostatic discharge: Protecting tomorrow’s technology | Solid State Technology---------------------------------------------------------
Las fuerzas de lorentz implicadas podrian ayudar a acelerar los rodillos a partir de un determinado numero de vueltas por segundo, posiblemente se generaría plasma y este responderia docilmente a las fuerzas de lorentz implicadas.
Creo que este es el camino y no el que os han hecho creer..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................The Lorentz forces involved could help to accelerate the rollers from a given number of turns per second, possibly plasma would be generated and this would respond docilely to the Lorentz forces involved.
I believe this is the way and not the one that you have been led to believe.
I am convinced that the configuration is wrong, the truth has been misrepresented so that it is impossible to materialize positive results.
If you experience this idea mine already has in your favor:
* Generation of hundreds of thousands of volts.
* Extreme ionization.
* Plasma creation.
* Concentric capacitor charged only with rotation.
* Surface polarization of Teflon and Nylon.
* Creation of forces of lorentz which push the charged particles in the direction of rotation.
* No need for external high voltage power supply.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"... Spontaneous acceleration
The spontaneous accelerating rotation above critical frequency can
be understood as being to a Lorentz torque acting on the radial Ohmic
em and
currents in rollers and roller ring. Above the critical fre-
quency the Lorentz torque, which is proportional to rotation frequency,
becomes larger than frictional torque, and spontaneous accelerating..."