Magnetic Fields

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Re: Magnetic Fields

Postby KarenAnn23 » Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:14 pm

Cat this is my understanding also, not just the pyramids, but a number of different distinct ancient sites. Something I want to explore along with this is : I don't know the word for it but the use of astrological positions ( at the time) and the correlation to the sites on earth, ( does this make sense ? )

Let me start at a different time, when I was very young my Grandpa B. tried to teach me as many things as my young mind could take in understand and be interested in enough to continue or at least remember. One of these things 'dousing', again not sure the word is correct.

Grandpa had found many water wells in many different area's by all accounts. He found natural gas on his property. He told me it wasn't just water or gas but uncounted other things could be found depending upon other factors such as the type of material or specific shape of it, he said that to each individual there could be many factors that could be utilized to attune to Whatever the individual looked for or was able to locate. Okay he didn't say it like that but near enough for a pre-teen mind lol :)

He said for example good land for planting certain crops could be found as easily as water wells. Gold or other metals and so on he had me try it and thought I had much potential. So I bring this up for a reason and that is that I feel that Lye Lines and doweling and ancient sites have much in common if we accept it.

For me, dousing is a Fact as I have both seen it done and done it myself. I leap from dousing to Lye Lines ( or Power lines as we always called them) again to me a fact. I will stop now and ask a question for anyone, have the Lye lines been accepted by Main-stream science yet?

For anyone interested, I liked to hear your opinion pro or con about this. I just want to start at the beginning from my own perspective and try to go on to explain more what I posted previously. I will try to explain my ever expanding theory to any interested.

My Best Karen
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Re: Magnetic Fields

Postby StarCat » Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:49 pm

I think I remember something about the star positions in relation to long ago events. I think that stuff has actually been recorded throughout history. Whether it's believed or not, is another story.
I think most people have some sense of energy fields and/or lines, although the sense may not be well developed or often utilized. I think a lot of times it's just a feeling of something, but not definable. Then you have dowsers, who really have a "nose" for certain things. It may be that most people start out with that type of ability but have it trained out of them by family and society.

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Re: Magnetic Fields

Postby KarenAnn23 » Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:33 pm

I think I remember something about the star positions in relation to long ago events. I think that stuff has actually been recorded throughout history. Whether it's believed or not, is another story.
I think most people have some sense of energy fields and/or lines, although the sense may not be well developed or often utilized. I think a lot of times it's just a feeling of something, but not definable. Then you have dowsers, who really have a "nose" for certain things. It may be that most people start out with that type of ability but have it trained out of them by family and society.



It seems I don't know how to quote you yet haha.

As far as the star positions being believed or not imo is irrelevant in some things such as dating when a ruin was build for example, not that I'd argue about it because it just makes sense in this use of it. Whoever I believe we can and some do learn a lot about the placements of certain umm sites like the pyramids and amazingly many many others old sites that correlate to astral bodies. Curiously, why would the people who build them do it.

Why build to begin with but further why do it with any connection to the stars. I was thinking just the other day about gold and how prized it has always been right? Okay, it easy to mold pretty and such, but thousands of years ago no one would understand how important it really is. It's a conductor, can be used as a radiation screen and I believe it never degrades, should I say never rusts breaks down or such. Then was looking about just where gold was formed, from what I understand it was from the cosmos and the sun/Suns correct if we dumb it down and go to the roots of it Gold isn't formed like a diamond say :)

It seems a bit odd to me so many societies prized gold so much. Now, I might be missing the forest for the trees hahaha Just an observation though. A side thought of mine.

When we discus ordinary people having the basis for harnessing energy fields I 100% agree with you. I think it is in all of us and can be utilized more by learning and practice. I also believe some people have more inherent abilities to use this. Finally yes I think it can and is 'trained' out of too many people and the shame for it. This might be part of the lost knowledge from our ancestors as I'm sure in some ways they knew more then us modern people. Just recently I believe things things are starting to gain ground if not in acceptance then at least in theory and some study.
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Re: Magnetic Fields

Postby StarCat » Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:33 pm

My thought is that they felt some connection to certain stars. What that connection might have been, I don't know. I think they probably knew a lot of things that we're clueless about.

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Re: Magnetic Fields

Postby kevin » Tue Apr 04, 2017 3:04 am


you may need to login to the thunderbolts site to read more, I started a thread on there called ...the lattice matrix.
you need to think of universe differently than currently accepted.

You also need to think of magnetics differently than currently indoctrinated, where all in creation is magnetic , as such, with everything been composed on a geometric grid with variant geometries creating the different elements, all of which have a detectable signature that can be sensed by those more sensitive beings.
Imagine what cats and dogs, and more importantly those with little or no sight such as moles can sense.

It's a far more fabulous universe than We are presently allowed access to in our human vessels stage.

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Re: Magnetic Fields

Postby KarenAnn23 » Tue Apr 04, 2017 3:48 pm

Sorry I have to go a bit out of order here and ask a question that seems simple enough for me...Kevin, before I visit and look at a new site, (Ty!) I have to ask.

Simply if something has mass does it have a gravitational field?

I think yes, but when it is broken down it is more then what just gravity has to do with it but it inherent qualities Yes?

I realize I can't post my thoughts easily on here, however I think, I know many things determine a field of some sorts. Do you think I am misunderstanding gravity or not expressing my thoughts correctly or in the right terms?
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Re: Magnetic Fields

Postby kevin » Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:07 pm


It depends upon what gravity is, or isn't?
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Does mass create gravity, or is mass created by gravity?

Gravity =time=mass....alter one, alter the others?
John Worrell Keely.
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Re: Magnetic Fields

Postby StarCat » Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:17 pm

Karen Anne, we also have an active discussion of ley lines going at Everything Under the, Witchcraft and Wicca forum. Mikado has graciously granted me permission to share that information here. You are welcome to read, and if you care to join, Xiao Rong can approve and activate a membership for you.

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Re: Magnetic Fields

Postby KarenAnn23 » Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:46 pm


you may need to login to the thunderbolts site to read more, I started a thread on there called ...the lattice matrix.
you need to think of universe differently than currently accepted.

You also need to think of magnetics differently than currently indoctrinated, where all in creation is magnetic , as such, with everything been composed on a geometric grid with variant geometries creating the different elements, all of which have a detectable signature that can be sensed by those more sensitive beings.
Imagine what cats and dogs, and more importantly those with little or no sight such as moles can sense.

It's a far more fabulous universe than We are presently allowed access to in our human vessels stage.


Oh I missed part of this post. I just started to try to answer your question so I was researching something else. I will continue the other line of thought as it was interesting and makes me look up things I thought I understood but don't quite as much as I would have guessed, in other words I need to relearn some things.

Anyway, Yes this is exactly what I was getting at. A "detectable signature" that is what I was going for, my 1st thought was a rock and a feather could be the same size and use the same amount of space yet give off a different feeling to those so inclined to have the abilities to know (feel) the difference. I guess I was working up to ask you if it was the magnetic aspect that you believe is the reason that could be done? if so it should be provable.

I have to get very quiet in-myself to really get any ideal of what a mole or other animal with different senses then human would sense, would it help me or is it just an example? I get the point though.

I have some more things I want to look up, and I haven't found the 'thounderbolts' site yet, I will look around and see if I can find it.

Cat :) I have been on the site you mentioned and have the link for it in an old e-mail i saved somewhere, could be in 1 of 3 of them I use at times. I will come over when I can and have a look Thanks for reminding me.
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Re: Magnetic Fields

Postby KarenAnn23 » Mon Apr 10, 2017 3:30 pm

On a similar but different subject this reminds me of something. I normally don't discus this with many people as I fear it makes me seem a bit crazy I can talk to certain members of my family ( many have passed away by now) and a handful of others, one is a member of this site but I won't mention any names.

At certain times I get a 'feeling', this type ( I have more then one of them) this one I feel threw umm in-between my eyes and slightly above, like the cyclopes 3rd eyes I suppose is where it starts. Let me give an example of a simple one that I can not prove today but was certain when it happened to me.

My Mom and I used to drive around together Mom had a habit of going different ways to and from places, one which I have picked up. 2 times I remember distinctly driving with her and she wanted to go a certain way and I got a bad feeling about this. So, as I was behind the wheel I went the way I wanted to. One time we got home and seen on the nightly news that there had been a fire on the street that I avoided. At the very least we would have been delayed. The second time, same thing but we read in the paper the next day that at the same time as we almost went that way there was an accident.

Now again, I can't prove it, even if Mom were still alive and I had the paper clippings one would still have to believe what we said. No matter because I know what I'm saying is true. This type and other similar things have happened to me many times before and I never found a REAL reason for Not turning this way or that, going to an appointment or other such things I just trust my gut, usually of course I have resisted the feeling and have regretted it LOL

I believe to some extent this happens to everyone. Now, what does it have to do with dosing or gravity, well it has to do with what you Kevin have said in this thread, we (I) have to look a things from a different perspective. I really like more incite into this if anyone would like to discus with me politely of course. I am always will to learn a thing or 10. I know most of you are busy and have better things to do but to spend time explaining and debating me, but Thanks for all of you who have and will. Good day all KarenAnn
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