Cat this is my understanding also, not just the pyramids, but a number of different distinct ancient sites. Something I want to explore along with this is : I don't know the word for it but the use of astrological positions ( at the time) and the correlation to the sites on earth, ( does this make sense ? )
Let me start at a different time, when I was very young my Grandpa B. tried to teach me as many things as my young mind could take in understand and be interested in enough to continue or at least remember. One of these things 'dousing', again not sure the word is correct.
Grandpa had found many water wells in many different area's by all accounts. He found natural gas on his property. He told me it wasn't just water or gas but uncounted other things could be found depending upon other factors such as the type of material or specific shape of it, he said that to each individual there could be many factors that could be utilized to attune to Whatever the individual looked for or was able to locate. Okay he didn't say it like that but near enough for a pre-teen mind lol
He said for example good land for planting certain crops could be found as easily as water wells. Gold or other metals and so on he had me try it and thought I had much potential. So I bring this up for a reason and that is that I feel that Lye Lines and doweling and ancient sites have much in common if we accept it.
For me, dousing is a Fact as I have both seen it done and done it myself. I leap from dousing to Lye Lines ( or Power lines as we always called them) again to me a fact. I will stop now and ask a question for anyone, have the Lye lines been accepted by Main-stream science yet?
For anyone interested, I liked to hear your opinion pro or con about this. I just want to start at the beginning from my own perspective and try to go on to explain more what I posted previously. I will try to explain my ever expanding theory to any interested.
My Best Karen