thoughts on the chemical composition of the dielectric

Phenomena that can't be explained ...... yet.

Re: thoughts on the chemical composition of the dielectric

Postby Mikado14 » Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:42 pm

Antigravitic wrote:

".................... In accordance with other aspects of this invention the dielectric member supporting the two electrodes may have electrical conductivity and/0r dielectric constant which varies progressively between its ends so that the dielectric member contributes to the non-linearity of the field gradient and causes a greater thrust to be developed.

In accordance with still other aspects of this invention, an annular electrode member is secured to an electrode mounted in the region of the axis of the annular electrode. If the second electrode is located at the center of the annular electrode and the two electrodes are energized, such force is not detected. However, if the second or innermost electrode is displaced from the center of the annular electrode in the region of the axis of the annular electrode and the electrodes are energized, then thrust will be produced by the two electrodes. The annular electrode may either be a flat ring, a toroid, or a section of a cylinder.

In accordance with still other aspects of this invention, tapered dielectric members having electrodes secured to opposite edges thereof may be employed to produce a thrust in response to the application of potentials to these electrodes. The thrust produced by these tapered dielectric members may be further augmented by embedding massive particles, such as lead oxide, in the Wedges, which particles are usually more concentrated near the points of the Wedges.

Accordingly, it is a feature of this invention to provide an electrical device for producing thrust which includes a dielectric member and electrodes supported at each end of the dielectric member, one of which electrodes is located in the region of the focal point of the arc of the arcuate surface electrode.

It is another feature of this invention to provide. a

device for producing thrust having a dielectric member.

and a pair of electrodes secured to opposite ends of the dielectric rod or member, one of which electrodes dea fines a parabolic or hyperbolic surface, the other electrode being located in the region of the focus of said surface.

It is another feature of this invention to employ an insulating rod or member between two electrodes, which rod or member has a varying dielectric constant, said dielectric constant progressively increasing or decreasing along the length of the dielectric member.

It is still another feature of this invention to employ a rod or member connected between two electrodes across which an electrostatic potential is applied, which rod or member has a varying electrical conductivity, said conductivity progressively increasing or decreasing along the length of the dielectric member.

It is another feature of this invention to employ a single electrode having an arcuate surface and to connect a source of potential to the arcuate surface which is opposite in polarity to the potential of the masses comprising the environment of the arcuate surface.

It is still a further feature of this invention to employ an arcuate electrode as a device for producing thrust and to apply a varying electrical signal to the arcuate electrode.

It is still another feature of this invention to employ a wedge of dielectric material having electrodes on opposite ends thereof to produce a thrust in response to the application of electrical potentials.

It is still a further feature of this invention to employ a tapered dielectric material having massive particles embedded therein to produce a thrust in response to the application of potentials to the electrodes secured to the dielectric member..............."

This is the patent for Townsend Brown's "Electrokinetic Apparatus" which was assigned to Electrokinetics Inc (Martin Decker).

I still fail to see how this device will give the K for a dielectric. It's operation is determined by the K of the dielectric but I fail to see how that is calibrated to test for the K of a dielectric material.

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Re: thoughts on the chemical composition of the dielectric

Postby Antigravitic » Wed Mar 29, 2017 12:41 pm

Hello Dear! ... I have been a disconnected time but now I have returned to the load, I have been reading lately about "torsion fields generators" ... ... And in Summarized accounts there it is commented that after rigorous experiments the torsion fields are produced mainly by:

1) rotating masses.
2) powerful magnetic fields without rotation or rotation.
3) high electrical potentials without rotation or rotation.
4) masses that contract or stretch rhythmically (piezoelectric).

Ether is present in all these processes and is possibly the prime cause of gravitation.

I will experiment with rotary piezoelectric because they have a very high dielectric constant "high K", behave as high voltage capacitors and have very low losses.

The main idea will be to apply a polarization voltage of several thousand volts of non-stabilized direct current so that the piezoelectric capacitor charges and simultaneously vibrates.


Hola Estimados!!... he estado un tiempo desconectado pero ahora he vuelto a la carga, he estado leyendo ultimamente sobre "torsión fields generators" ... ... Y en resumidas cuentas alli se comenta que después de rigurosos experimentos los campos de torsión son producidos principalmente por:

1) masas en rotación.
2) potentes campos magneticos sin rotación o con rotación.
3) elevados potenciales electricos sin rotación o con rotación.
4) masas que se contraen o estiran ritmicamente (piezoelectricos) .

El Eter está presente en todos estos procesos y posiblemente sea la causa primera de la gravitación.

Voy a experimentar con piezoelectricos rotatorios pues estos poseen una constante dielectrica muy alta "alta K" ,se comportan como condensadores de alta tensión y poseen perdidas muy bajas.

La idea principal va a consistir en aplicar una tensión de polarización de varios miles de voltios de corriente continua no estabilizada para que el condensador piezoelectrico cargue y a la vez vibre.


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Re: thoughts on the chemical composition of the dielectric

Postby Antigravitic » Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:59 pm

Why use a vibrator plus a capacitor? Why not use a capacitor that is a vibrator at the same time?
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Re: thoughts on the chemical composition of the dielectric

Postby kevin » Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:40 pm

"Ether is present"

Ether is a duality of spin.
720 degrees.
Reversing at the heart centre.
northern hemisphere toroidal.
Southern hemisphere toroidal.

This planet is the same.

You are the same.

Locally reverse the 2 spins , reverse direction of attraction towards heart centre of planet.

Trees do this at the equinox, they alter the shape of their resonant cavities, thus water falls to the top of the tree.
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Re: thoughts on the chemical composition of the dielectric

Postby Antigravitic » Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:44 pm

Time runs very fast and life is too short, I can not keep waiting for Mikado's offer14 for longer, I understand that there are confidentiality agreements, I thank the will and the dialogue, I'm going to look for my own way with the high ceramics " K ", I have found a way to successfully extract ferroelectric ceramics made of BaTio3 doped with some oxides to give it a certain characteristic, I will experiment with several of these ceramic dielectrics, it is now easy to create an asymmetric capacitor of BaTio3, just keep One of the intact silver electrodes and trim the other with nitric acid to create an asymmetry in the shape of the electrodes.
El tiempo corre muy aprisa y la vida es demasiado corta, no puedo seguir esperando el ofrecimiento de Mikado14 por mas tiempo, comprendo que hay acuerdos de confidencialidad, agradezco la voluntad y el dialogo, voy a buscar mi propio camino con las ceramicas de alta "K" , he encontrado la manera de conseguir extraer satisfactoriamente ceramicas ferroelectricas Y5U hechas de BaTio3 dopadas con algunos óxidos para aportarle una determinada caracteristica, experimentaré con varios de estos dielectricos ceramicos, ahora es facil crear un condensador asimetrico de BaTio3, tan solo hay que conservar uno de los electrodos de plata intacto y recortar el otro con acido nitrico para crear una asimetria en la forma de los electrodos.



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Re: thoughts on the chemical composition of the dielectric

Postby Antigravitic » Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:22 am


BaTio3 capacitor "K" +/-18.000

I am convinced that these ceramic wafers energized in the right way can generate a push.
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Re: thoughts on the chemical composition of the dielectric

Postby kevin » Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:48 pm

Your ancestors knew about materials, their location.
Their orientation.
Their very precise and unique location they were formed at.

They chose carefully relative to the very precise manner in which each stone manipulated the aether flows, then carefully placed them at precise location to locally resist the flows of aether as desired.

This was not to bury bodies, it was to interact with that which makes all, that makes gravity, that makes time.

The disc You have need to be orientated carefully.
location, location, location.
Orientation, orientation, orientation. ... &FORM=IGRE
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Re: thoughts on the chemical composition of the dielectric

Postby Antigravitic » Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:40 am

kevin wrote:Antigravitic,
Your ancestors knew about materials, their location.
Their orientation.
Their very precise and unique location they were formed at.

They chose carefully relative to the very precise manner in which each stone manipulated the aether flows, then carefully placed them at precise location to locally resist the flows of aether as desired.

This was not to bury bodies, it was to interact with that which makes all, that makes gravity, that makes time.

The disc You have need to be orientated carefully.
location, location, location.
Orientation, orientation, orientation. ... &FORM=IGRE


Through the electric polarization and centrifugation of the dielectric, the mass should be polarized so that all the particles channel the Etheric flow in unison, that is going to be my first experiment.
mediante la polarización electrica y centrifuga del dielectrico se deberia de polarizar la masa para que todas las particulas acanalen el flujo Etherico al unisono, esa va a ser mi experincia primera.
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