Holy cow, not sure I ever read that link or if I did, whether or not I understood it. The below quoted part describes perfectly what I have seen in very relaxed states, when I would say my vibration has been very high. I have mentioned it before here, at night right before bed I would see what looked to be creation to me as pictures or scenes of people, places and things would constantly morph from one to the other. I could see it with my eyes closed as well as open, the scene would be the same as I blinked my eyes. This was most often in a contrast of light on dark but the light was muted, almost redish. Very rarely would this occur in full color, once there was a baby that materialized off to the side of the bed in full color.
Miss chatting with you Kevin, hope you are well.
There is a free floating extremely tenuous, extremely fine granular substance or condition of matter, which isn't part of these forms at all. It flows freely in between all interstices. It's loose, free, unused matter, waiting to be created, put into forms, and that is rather deceiving. I am glad I have found it, because I have been puzzled by these still finer points of light which pervade all the phenomena I have been trying to examine, and I think it is independent of the forms. Just floating free, not used. Now watching it, then I also see that from it there suddenly gets sucked as it were into a funnel a stream of this force and that some of the minute dots coagulate, but some don't. That they go rushing down the funnel. This is the reservoir of matter that I am seeing. The free unformed - momentarily unformed, then as I watch I see there is a sucking of it into the forms, and it rushes down to produce the forms. Now it is necessary for me with my great limitations to be on guard against confusing this omnipresent finely grained substance with the structure of occult chemistry atoms.