Thinking of you all

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Thinking of you all

Postby Soloma » Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:51 am

Hey gang, just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you. Wondering if you are still out there Kevin and how your work has progressed Mikado. Thinking of you too Rose and Starcat! Stop by and say hello, I feel like during this interesting time we find ourselves in you folks would provide good conversation. Much love to you all.

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Re: Thinking of you all

Postby kevin » Fri May 29, 2020 12:44 pm

Thinking of You too, and all on here, strange times indeed?
And the weather here in the UK is more akin to California, You don't suppose they can control it do You?
60 ghz has My hairy toes twitching, hypoxia is the same condition of the assumed virus.
I sense a battle for control.

Let's hope TT Browns message to Linda was correct?

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Re: Thinking of you all

Postby Soloma » Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:32 pm

Kevin, so glad to hear back from You!

I was seeing that information early on, the virus actually exhibiting the same indications as hypoxia, which 5g is also said to cause. That information of course was continually scrubbed or ridiculed, which to someone like Myself makes Me consider it more. I spent quite a bit of time researching the virus early on, came away doubting the narrative based on the fact that pcr tests were never meant to be used to identify viruses nor were they particularly accurate or able to identify any more specific then haplogroups. I could not agree with You more, there was way more to this virus than presented.

Being as sensitive as You are, I hope 5g does not affect You any more than toe twitching. Alas I too suspect something sinister coming with 5g.

I wish I was more versed in TT Brown's message to Linda, I would be most grateful if you would share that with me as it seems obvious you consider it a positive message.

So much to discuss, lots has happened in the world over the last few years. Have to say I am intrigued by the Q movement as that looks to be part of the battle for control. The movement talks of looking glass technology, time travel and even seems to be using manifestation techniques to bring about their desired outcome. All so interesting to Me!

Just watched a documentary on Joseph Newman and his perpetual motion device which was claimed to output more energy then was put in. He fought a losing battle versus the US patent office in the 80's and early 90's and eventually passed in 2015, after having losing it and chasing off folks who were claiming to try and help him get his device out to the public.

Looking forward to having some discussions, hoping everyone is well!

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Re: Thinking of you all

Postby Mikado14 » Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:35 pm

Soloma wrote:Kevin, so glad to hear back from You!

Just watched a documentary on Joseph Newman and his perpetual motion device which was claimed to output more energy then was put in. He fought a losing battle versus the US patent office in the 80's and early 90's and eventually passed in 2015, after having losing it and chasing off folks who were claiming to try and help him get his device out to the public.

Looking forward to having some discussions, hoping everyone is well!


Hello Dan.

I check in here now and then. My time has been occupied in taking care of Kim, she is not doing well with her failing liver.

However, I noticed your comment about Joseph Newman. Back in the mid 90's, I was asked to evaluate a Newman Motor by a group that was approached by him. We actually did it on site at the home of someone from the group. They had visited Newman and had an agreement with him to develop his prototype. Myself and another engineer were contacted via someone who was a mutual acquaintance.

We did several tests on the motor itself as to waveform evaluation of the output, measurement of the magnets as to field strength etc, and finally power output versus the magnets (which would be the power input) to derive an efficiency number.

The design of the prototype from Newman that these investors had was a four pole unit which we found strange. When approaching, if memory serves me, approximately 70% efficiency, the Motor would cog and then the cogging, as the percent increased, would increase logarithmicly. We found that strange in that motors and generators are normally an odd number of poles to prevent cogging under higher loads.

Secondly, the output waveform was extremely noisy. It was very erratic and made finite measurements difficult. Also, it required an excitation battery. This battery was a wet cell (lead acid). We changed over to a dry cell of equal voltage and the noise became more prominent. Apparently, the capacitance of the plates was filtering the noise. Also, the dry cell would get warm and the cogging became more noticeable at a lower efficiency rating.

The conclusion was that the Newman Motor was not a unity device.
The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Thinking of you all

Postby kevin » Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:19 am


Many a TRUE word said in jest.

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Re: Thinking of you all

Postby kevin » Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:33 am

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Re: Thinking of you all

Postby Soloma » Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:21 pm

Mikado14 wrote:
Soloma wrote:Kevin, so glad to hear back from You!

Just watched a documentary on Joseph Newman and his perpetual motion device which was claimed to output more energy then was put in. He fought a losing battle versus the US patent office in the 80's and early 90's and eventually passed in 2015, after having losing it and chasing off folks who were claiming to try and help him get his device out to the public.

Looking forward to having some discussions, hoping everyone is well!


Hello Dan.

I check in here now and then. My time has been occupied in taking care of Kim, she is not doing well with her failing liver.

However, I noticed your comment about Joseph Newman. Back in the mid 90's, I was asked to evaluate a Newman Motor by a group that was approached by him. We actually did it on site at the home of someone from the group. They had visited Newman and had an agreement with him to develop his prototype. Myself and another engineer were contacted via someone who was a mutual acquaintance.

We did several tests on the motor itself as to waveform evaluation of the output, measurement of the magnets as to field strength etc, and finally power output versus the magnets (which would be the power input) to derive an efficiency number.

The design of the prototype from Newman that these investors had was a four pole unit which we found strange. When approaching, if memory serves me, approximately 70% efficiency, the Motor would cog and then the cogging, as the percent increased, would increase logarithmicly. We found that strange in that motors and generators are normally an odd number of poles to prevent cogging under higher loads.

Secondly, the output waveform was extremely noisy. It was very erratic and made finite measurements difficult. Also, it required an excitation battery. This battery was a wet cell (lead acid). We changed over to a dry cell of equal voltage and the noise became more prominent. Apparently, the capacitance of the plates was filtering the noise. Also, the dry cell would get warm and the cogging became more noticeable at a lower efficiency rating.

The conclusion was that the Newman Motor was not a unity device.

Oh geez Mikado, my prayers to Kim and you. I sure hope she has improved since you last posted this update.
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Re: Thinking of you all

Postby Soloma » Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:24 pm

kevin wrote:


Insane times, I hope you are well.
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