kevin wrote:Nancy_Hutchison,
I try to visualise lots of screens with different pictures upon each one all centred on one vector point, and I always adhere to fibonacci sequencing.
To jump onto an alternate screen requires having the field diameter that will clip across to that screens geometry( which is what DMT enables, imo.)
When absorbing DMT from other high concentrate entities, or naturally producing it your field then has the required diameter to access that alternate geometry.
A word about project rainbow, preston Nichols.
With a rainbow different diameters are seen creating different colours.
I can measure the field diameter of whatever I focus upon.
With humans it is rare to exceed 55 feet( not exactly feet, but very very close)
Think of their fields thus creating variant colours.
Mikado has recently on this thread provided a link back to previous discussions when He revealed some things about Himself that He struggles to contain.
You just mentioned Your brother.
Think about the story told of jesus going into the dessert for forty days and nights with only water.
Think of death been approached and DMT in abudance been released, lots of dimensions been instantly available( ready for the journey of our eternal selves to travel into?)
It's absolutely fabulous.
Colors (American English spelling)....are SOUND
The son of a close friend of mine can see "colors around people"..colors around electrical lines....similar to what you see???
I have done a far bit of fasting, after three days, wasn't hungry anymore.
Talk to me about TIME.
How do you perceive time.
Something is happening with the Johnny Tubes, would like more insight so I can better describe it.