DavidG wrote:Nancy, after years of being amazed at the effort and success of Johns work, in videos and other sources, it would truly be an honor to converse with him on any level...
On that note, my research has been very limited by time constraints, and financial ones, and has been very simple and minimal compared to anything John has done.
Ive done many tests with cymatics, and my rig, but just to visualize what is happening, and then weigh in upon what it means...
I have attempted to build several rudimentary gravitors, or gravitators...of which one actually moved with a pulsed dc input, and another did not..
I have built several lifters, the best of which was donut shaped, but nothing groundbreaking.
For me, the building has always been a channel to the contemplation, a fuel for my mind to wander into new realms, mostly philosophical, but some to prove to myself that mainstream science is as hamfisted as they seem, when I have experienced what may be called a spiritual encounter during the use of pulsed hvdc to operate such devices...and this feeling I get every time is one of confirmation in that during the simple effect of the ionic breeze it has been called, is something interdimensional, and unique in that it feels if I could put myself through that lifter center, I would go somewhere else immediately.
Aside from that Ive done some transformer work, building primary/secondary core and pickup with unique powdered magnetite filling, and have found the excitabilty of the non rigid magnetite powder to be an excellent core material when placed into a plastic tube and wrapped with magnet wire in standard fsshion. I did notice a small improvement of induction through this design, and also a bit more of a spike on the collapse when using this core design in a Naudin 2.0s gen.
My gravitor used tungsten thin film with a magnetite impregnated silicone for a dielectric...thats the one which when hung from a pendulum apparatus, swung handily with pulsed dc.
Id have pmed this reply, but cannot find the pm on your profile..so after reading, let me or admin know if you wish to have it deleted.
John is "put off" by forums. (However there was that one forum he participated in with other people who had been at his lab...amazing info)
We are preparing for our first, "test" conference.
We can handle 50 people, but are going to do a test conference with only 25. John is going to "build something", then everyone at the conference is also going to build what John built. Conference will be live streamed on the internet. We are finishing up getting all the video cameras and control booth operating. Need to get a few things more for the conference room.
We had a brain storming meeting on what to do at the "test" conference/workshop. Asked John, "What have you built, from scratch?"
We are creating a Hutchison website with a library of documents and videos. We are going to ask those that are following John's work, "What would you like to build at the first conference/workshop"?
Of course, most people will want an anti-gravity device.
But you need to crawl before you walk, and anti-gravity is running.
So we are going to be taking people, a step at a time, through the thought processes of John and building basic devices, first.
I copied and pasted your post here to John's email. Asked him if he thought "talking with David" might assist him in preparing for the first conference/workshop.
(BTW--I often read Kevin's posts to John..which he really enjoys)
Below is the list of devices John has "built from scratch" (notes from our meeting):
Tesla coils
Signal generator
Ray gun
Vacuum tube
Van da graph
Power cells
Spark gaps
Capacitors, inductor, resistor
Machine tools
Plasma generators
Corona suppresors
Biopolar tesla coil
Electrical meters
Repulsion coils
Insulating housings/structures
Built magnets/electrets
Pyro electric generator
Magnet motors
Phase shifters
RF field shapers
Ultrasonics, infrasound
Built low power lasers
Audio generators
Conventional batteries
Low and High freq transducers
Chromium trees
Grown crystals in various environments
Put own tooth back into mouth!
Life extensions
Radio astronomy/spectrum analyzers
Satellite dish, antenna
Wave guides
Cryptic messages from navy ships
Navy ship disassembly
Chemist , tri-nitro glycerin inside fridge
Glass blowing
Alexander generator/alternator
T. Henry moray devices
replicated the Philadelphia experiment
recreated the Arc of the covenant
Ben franklin replications
T. Townshed brown
Peddle powered penton boats
Remington gun making business
Built revolving canon
Static listening
Was a DJ
teaching people "how to do anti-gravity", or "anti-radiation" will require that they get some basics under their belts
maybe you and John will converse, and you can assist in methods to communicate the basics