And, in regards to your comment implying favoritism. I do not talk about clients.
Sorry I forgot to address that, but it seems obvious to me. My bad.
re-rose wrote:My dear, sensitive one: It is possible to be both, you know.
email wrote:----- Original Message -----
To: kim_c58
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 6:47 PM
Subject: Her other personality lol
Re: Introducing my assistant
by Linda Brown » Thu May 01, 2014 8:45 pm
Thankyou Linda. I am having fun.
Checking in on the Hut rather consistantly I notice that "Mikado" has been bold enough to write this there. The first statement I am leaving for my files. I don't need to repeat it... but here is the rest
vie ... 3&start=50
And for shits and giggles, it is young yet in the day and she already has been in two times.
That was not Linda Brown Mikado. My name is Myles. You and I will meet someday.
I believed that by banning her from coming in on her IP, it would allow her the opportunity to get some help in the name of time out and away. Apparently, she is displaying a psychosis - paranoid psychosis. She is displaying extreme fear of individuals and creating scenarios of conspiracy to her personal well being and those close to her. Should I ban her IP again? Apparently, it didn't do a thing for there appears that there are those in her sphere of influence who very well may share the same affliction.
You are an interesting sort Mikado.
Should I comment on the emails...perhaps, if only to rebut but then, I don't know but the degree of psychosis is expanding and anyone who cares about Linda should really help her instead of indulge her. Kim tells me this morning that hobbit and her have had a dust up over an incident and she could care less if he stays or what does that say about her? Afterall, didn't twigsnapper call him the navigator and if that is the case, wouldn't he have something to say to Linda...that is, if he were real.
Hobbit are you reading this? Do you wonder where your upset is coming from???
As to posting from the Hut, you have the ability. That will not be taken away. There is talk of Brown's work. There is talk in regard to the book "Defying Gravity". It is only fair that you have the ability to comment upon it if you so desire and I will not disable your account and have you claim a version of truth whereas you say you were banned or you don't have the ability to respond. If you want to not post, then don't. But don't make false claims that you "can't" post for it displays a level of ....mendacity(since fruitbat loves this) that is misleading, but then, it appears to be pandemic in your sphere.
Linda Brown has no interest in posting there at the Hut. She has made that plain.
So, the act of starting new threads, or new enemies for that membership to hate, is supportive of the claim of paranoid psychosis. What new threads will be created next? Or better yet...about whom? What does it serve in doing so? I wonder, is anyone answering her on these threads?
You would be more than surprised Mikado.
Perhaps Trickfox and his associations with pedophiles and pedophilia and the truth as to why he left the United States and go back to Canada which was long before his health problems. .... but then, why would she do that?
Listen to the depths that he reaches.
Maybe she will turn on rose someday? I doubt that will happen but then you never know with one who is psychotic.
I will be meeting with Rose soon. I doubt that either of us is worried. But you should be Mikado.
And what of fruitbat? ...whom else?
Oh, before I forget, someone sent an email that mentioned Crazy Ivan. Now why is it that so many of your euphemisms come from movies? In any event, do your best but one thing I might got the "crazy" part right...for once.
Crazy Ivan? Yes! From the Hunt for Red October" the submarine with the " Catapillar Drive" The thing with no moving parts. Yes the Navy just loves that... and Crazy Ivan. I am familiar with what that means. She has everything right Mikado. and the best part of it is that she is on vacation and is not going to be privy to any of this nastyness or dealing with you. But I will when the time is right. What happened to those lawsuits Mikado. Why haven't they been filed?Myles
From the Shadow of Giant Rock
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