Emails from the Token

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Re: Emails from the Token

Postby re-rose » Thu May 01, 2014 10:18 pm

And, in regards to your comment implying favoritism. I do not talk about clients.

Sorry I forgot to address that, but it seems obvious to me. My bad.

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Re: Emails from the Token

Postby Mikado14 » Fri May 02, 2014 10:33 am

Rose,.... client? Not a friend? I have seen your comments in my direction so it would appear that you talk about friends and not clients. Perhaps I should have been a client?

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Emails from the Token

Postby re-rose » Fri May 02, 2014 10:56 am

My dear, sensitive one: It is possible to be both, you know.

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Re: Emails from the Token

Postby Mikado14 » Fri May 02, 2014 5:00 pm

re-rose wrote:My dear, sensitive one: It is possible to be both, you know.


Your so funny...sensitive one. Yes, it is possible to be both but very difficult to be both to the same the same time.

...and you know that as well.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: Emails from the Token

Postby re-rose » Fri May 02, 2014 6:50 pm

You know, I've been thinking about this exchange, all day, Mikado. I went and dug out some of the apparently horrible two-faced things I have supposedly said about you, to see if I really would say them to your face, as I claimed.

And I would, so I will: You are sly...probably by nature, but certainly as a result of your legal education. And indeed, inimitable. To me, there can be only one Mikado.

And yes you did have an elaborate backstory about the impetus that caused you to set this whole Linda/Dave balloon afloat. But of course I would think that, as I know there is much more to you than you reveal to most people. But that was about as far as I got in reconstructing my sins.

So, if anything PeggyPus has been so kind as to forward to you has caused you to feel wounded, then I extend my apologies, not for the words, which were hewn as close to truth as possible, but for assuming that you had a tough skin.

Because it wasn't like I was writing it thinking Mikado will never ever see this. If you know what I mean.

And Mr. Rose, to whom I have just read this, laughed out loud and said "tell him I said," well, I can't print it all of it here, but the concluding words were...."take it like a man." It's a good thing that you know him and his sense of humor.

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Re: Emails from the Token

Postby Mikado14 » Sat May 03, 2014 1:22 pm

I never would have thought you would have given an entire day to something as said above. It was not my intention.

My comment was based upon what I read in my short stay at the Token. Nothing else. You never have commented in regard to Linda in the same manner as you have about me from what I had read, therefore, my comment was directed and based upon that.

And if I may comment about being has taught me to be that way and is referred to by some as self-preservation from those that would use you.

As to the Linda/Dave thing, elaborate story implies something fictitious, what happened is not that but factual and can be verified....stories are just that, fiction.

You are my friend and so is Mr. Rose and I would welcome any time in the future, if possible, to renew such times as once had. Tell Mr. Rose, no need to take it as a man, I took it as friend should, you have your opinion and I respect it.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: Emails from the Token

Postby Mikado14 » Sat May 03, 2014 3:51 pm

This is so typical of Linda, she will answer within someone else's post and then it is difficult to distinguish as to whom said what. With that in mind, since this is such a priceless post, I went to my original post and changed the color to differentiate her dogs comments, from my original posting.

email wrote:----- Original Message -----
To: kim_c58
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 6:47 PM
Subject: Her other personality lol

Re: Introducing my assistant
by Linda Brown » Thu May 01, 2014 8:45 pm


Thankyou Linda. I am having fun.

Checking in on the Hut rather consistantly I notice that "Mikado" has been bold enough to write this there. The first statement I am leaving for my files. I don't need to repeat it... but here is the rest

vie ... 3&start=50

And for shits and giggles, it is young yet in the day and she already has been in two times.

That was not Linda Brown Mikado. My name is Myles. You and I will meet someday.

I believed that by banning her from coming in on her IP, it would allow her the opportunity to get some help in the name of time out and away. Apparently, she is displaying a psychosis - paranoid psychosis. She is displaying extreme fear of individuals and creating scenarios of conspiracy to her personal well being and those close to her. Should I ban her IP again? Apparently, it didn't do a thing for there appears that there are those in her sphere of influence who very well may share the same affliction.

You are an interesting sort Mikado.

Should I comment on the emails...perhaps, if only to rebut but then, I don't know but the degree of psychosis is expanding and anyone who cares about Linda should really help her instead of indulge her. Kim tells me this morning that hobbit and her have had a dust up over an incident and she could care less if he stays or what does that say about her? Afterall, didn't twigsnapper call him the navigator and if that is the case, wouldn't he have something to say to Linda...that is, if he were real.

Hobbit are you reading this? Do you wonder where your upset is coming from???

As to posting from the Hut, you have the ability. That will not be taken away. There is talk of Brown's work. There is talk in regard to the book "Defying Gravity". It is only fair that you have the ability to comment upon it if you so desire and I will not disable your account and have you claim a version of truth whereas you say you were banned or you don't have the ability to respond. If you want to not post, then don't. But don't make false claims that you "can't" post for it displays a level of ....mendacity(since fruitbat loves this) that is misleading, but then, it appears to be pandemic in your sphere.

Linda Brown has no interest in posting there at the Hut. She has made that plain.

So, the act of starting new threads, or new enemies for that membership to hate, is supportive of the claim of paranoid psychosis. What new threads will be created next? Or better yet...about whom? What does it serve in doing so? I wonder, is anyone answering her on these threads?

You would be more than surprised Mikado.

Perhaps Trickfox and his associations with pedophiles and pedophilia and the truth as to why he left the United States and go back to Canada which was long before his health problems. .... but then, why would she do that?

Listen to the depths that he reaches.

Maybe she will turn on rose someday? I doubt that will happen but then you never know with one who is psychotic.

I will be meeting with Rose soon. I doubt that either of us is worried. But you should be Mikado.

And what of fruitbat? ...whom else?

Oh, before I forget, someone sent an email that mentioned Crazy Ivan. Now why is it that so many of your euphemisms come from movies? In any event, do your best but one thing I might got the "crazy" part right...for once.

Crazy Ivan? Yes! From the Hunt for Red October" the submarine with the " Catapillar Drive" The thing with no moving parts. Yes the Navy just loves that... and Crazy Ivan. I am familiar with what that means. She has everything right Mikado. and the best part of it is that she is on vacation and is not going to be privy to any of this nastyness or dealing with you. But I will when the time is right. What happened to those lawsuits Mikado. Why haven't they been filed? :lol: Myles
From the Shadow of Giant Rock

Linda now has found a way to be able to have another individual post without the IP problem. We'll just have the dog respond. And then in another email, rose indulges her. Rose...see what I mean?

Anywho, I look so forward to meeting you someday...Myles...(chuckle)...(laughing harder)...(wiping tears from my eyes).....(getting away from keyboard)...

As to psychosis, I believe you pretty much are proving the point by having your dog post from your computer.....(starting to chuckle).....(laughing harder)......(taking a break from the keyboard so as not to have tears of laughter shorting it out)......

Okay, calmer now...deep breath.

As to hobbit, my understanding is that fruitbat posted in regard to wdavidb and there was a dustup. Hobbit became upset in that he invited him there and whatever, at least that is what Plad said. He mentioned that you didn't give a crap if hobbit left or not, it was his decision...sound familiar? My how history repeats but in any event Myles...or whomever happens to be in the forward temporal area of the entity known as Linda Brown at the moment.....(chuckling..again)......(laughing out loud)......(tears rolling down my cheeks)...........

Okay, calmer...again...deep breath.

Addressing the Trickfox comment. It is true, he had a relationship with Ted Gunderson who was investigation for that, he was his mule. He was well versed in regard to the finders ... rder.shtml. In fact, his friend Mike was used according to Raymond. There are court transcripts available, if one wishes to purchase them, whereas at Mike's trial, Gunderson was stated, in a phone tap, that Raymond would be a good mule for carrying the drugs but there was a problem, he would end up being a user and turn out to not be a good mule and was not totally trustworthy. Ever wonder why Raymond went back to Canada? He was under investigation for several things. All one has to do is take the time and money to find out and do you remember when Raymond came back to Vegas in '06 for Paul's presentation in how worried he was? And then again in '08? He was afraid he would be on a list, I told him whatever it was, I am sure the statute would have run it's course and he mentioned it was in the 90's and anyone who had any interaction with him knew that the "so-called" man in black had loose lips. I still liked Raymond and figured that he turned a new leaf in life and that anyone deserved a second chance.

Do your research but then I would suppose that dogs don't have much of a bank account to fund any research.....(chuckle)....(oh is starting again)...(taking deep breaths and a walk)

And lastly...a threat from a dog. Now here is the rub. Linda has threatened me in the past. George, supposedly, has threatened my family in an email...and now the dog. What's next?..the horses'?

...(chuckle).......(tears now coming more easily).......(she is so nucking futs!).......

Well Myles, you seem to think that Linda has everything right, well, I suppose so in your point of view. Afterall, she is the one who puts the food in your bowl, gives you periodic baths and grooming so from your point of view...yep, she got it all right.

And lastly, as to lawsuits, Linda is the one who said she had gotten one on retainer and that she would be filing as well. Well, the logical thing from a legal perspective is to wait for her's to be filed and then file a cross complaint. You see, and I don't expect a canine to understand this...(oh no!...the chuckling....)...deep breaths.....there are legal postures that are advantageous and since Linda decided to outdo anything I said by stating that she had a lawyer on retainer, in fact, not one but two (didn't know I was that formidable), I am content to let her posture first.

So, that mental image of a small dog typing away at a keyboard is just......enough to make another dog laugh.

I suppose I should get another rabbit to answer you so that both are on the same playing level.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Emails from the Token

Postby wags » Mon May 05, 2014 7:21 am

Mr Mikado Said

"...So, that mental image of a small dog typing away at a keyboard is just......enough to make another dog laugh..."

True, woof
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Re: Emails from the Token

Postby LuisP » Mon May 05, 2014 8:35 pm

Hiya, Mr.Spock !
Nice to see you woofing.

Should beat, I guess, barking back at ridiculous pseudo alter egos, imaginary personages with identical fingerprints to real ones, paranoid individualities of a obvious same genetic code … not to mention, participating in an exercise of disgusting ego massaging.

That is, to someone of your superior intellect abilities, I mean.

It surely doesn't mean much to you, but I have great respect for your brain - even if less so for your (ahem) manner of using it in certain environments.

But hey ! Glad to see you.

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Re: Emails from the Token

Postby LuisP » Mon May 05, 2014 8:45 pm

And Wags ?

Case you haven't noticed, you've been demoted. Sorry.
New Hound from Hell around.

Next, it'll be doing the Archiving too. You just wait.

Then again, "There are more tides than sailors", eh ?

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