Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:03 pm

Mikado14 wrote:Your right kevin, Nancy, wags and myself are guilty of this latest derailing. However, perhaps it is a part of the elephant. Maybe it too needs to be hashed over. I see progress being made in that Nancy and wags ARE communicating for once. They may not agree but at least they are less like two dogs sniffing each others ass and more like two people conversing.

Perhaps a part of the elephant is present.

Hell, I don't know, just an offered view.


sniffing each others ass is very important in dog communication
evaluating crap is actually important...I did post a thread on the topic
however, I don't present myself on this forum as a dog, even though others do
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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:05 pm

wags wrote:
Nancy_Hutchison wrote:
wags wrote:
Nancy_Hutchison wrote:
wags wrote:Nancy
Define Bullying?

thank you for asking
my definition of bullying is when a person (bully) wants something from another person (victim)
the victim does not provide (give) what the bully wants
so the bully then uses tactics to try to extract what he/she wants from the victim
these tactics can be many things, such as
physical force, name calling, attempts to discredit the victim, actions to alienate the victim from others, engaging others to take action against the victim

if you would like me to point out how you did these things to me, I will do so

how do you define bullying?

A bully seeks to control and manipulate the mind, emotions and reality of a target for only the purpose of control or if that fails elimination of the target.

Your list is incomplete.

does your addition happen, in your opinion, in all cases of bullying?

Yes, in real intentional bullying. Bullying behaviours are natural and will occur but they are not for the purpose of destroying another human soul.

okay, so we have different definitions of bullying
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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:08 pm

kevin wrote:Nancy_Hutchison,

I try to visualise lots of screens with different pictures upon each one all centred on one vector point, and I always adhere to fibonacci sequencing.
To jump onto an alternate screen requires having the field diameter that will clip across to that screens geometry( which is what DMT enables, imo.)

When absorbing DMT from other high concentrate entities, or naturally producing it your field then has the required diameter to access that alternate geometry.
A word about project rainbow, preston Nichols.
With a rainbow different diameters are seen creating different colours.

I can measure the field diameter of whatever I focus upon.
With humans it is rare to exceed 55 feet( not exactly feet, but very very close)
Think of their fields thus creating variant colours.

Mikado has recently on this thread provided a link back to previous discussions when He revealed some things about Himself that He struggles to contain.
You just mentioned Your brother.
Think about the story told of jesus going into the dessert for forty days and nights with only water.
Think of death been approached and DMT in abudance been released, lots of dimensions been instantly available( ready for the journey of our eternal selves to travel into?)
It's absolutely fabulous.

What is DMT?
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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:09 pm

kevin wrote:I am trying to stay focussed upon this elephant.
Any chance perhaps of a seperate thread talking about bullies?

The action of bullying..the reasons for the bullying
IMO..has an impact on this physical realm
much deeper that this BS between wags and myself
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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby kevin » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:13 pm

In all in creation, every blade of grass.
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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby Mikado14 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:14 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:
Mikado14 wrote:Your right kevin, Nancy, wags and myself are guilty of this latest derailing. However, perhaps it is a part of the elephant. Maybe it too needs to be hashed over. I see progress being made in that Nancy and wags ARE communicating for once. They may not agree but at least they are less like two dogs sniffing each others ass and more like two people conversing.

Perhaps a part of the elephant is present.

Hell, I don't know, just an offered view.


sniffing each others ass is very important in dog communication
evaluating crap is actually important...I did post a thread on the topic
however, I don't present myself on this forum as a dog, even though others do

I was merely trying to say that it was important for you both to converse in that perhaps an understanding of each other might ensue.

Normally, I would have taken your post as humour but something makes me feel as though you did not.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:16 pm

kevin wrote:Nancy_Hutchison,

I try to visualise lots of screens with different pictures upon each one all centred on one vector point, and I always adhere to fibonacci sequencing.
To jump onto an alternate screen requires having the field diameter that will clip across to that screens geometry( which is what DMT enables, imo.)

When absorbing DMT from other high concentrate entities, or naturally producing it your field then has the required diameter to access that alternate geometry.
A word about project rainbow, preston Nichols.
With a rainbow different diameters are seen creating different colours.

I can measure the field diameter of whatever I focus upon.
With humans it is rare to exceed 55 feet( not exactly feet, but very very close)
Think of their fields thus creating variant colours.

Mikado has recently on this thread provided a link back to previous discussions when He revealed some things about Himself that He struggles to contain.
You just mentioned Your brother.
Think about the story told of jesus going into the dessert for forty days and nights with only water.
Think of death been approached and DMT in abudance been released, lots of dimensions been instantly available( ready for the journey of our eternal selves to travel into?)
It's absolutely fabulous.

Colors (American English spelling)....are SOUND
The son of a close friend of mine can see "colors around people"..colors around electrical lines....similar to what you see???
I have done a far bit of fasting, after three days, wasn't hungry anymore.

Talk to me about TIME.
How do you perceive time.
Something is happening with the Johnny Tubes, would like more insight so I can better describe it.

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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:18 pm

Mikado14 wrote:
Nancy_Hutchison wrote:
Mikado14 wrote:Your right kevin, Nancy, wags and myself are guilty of this latest derailing. However, perhaps it is a part of the elephant. Maybe it too needs to be hashed over. I see progress being made in that Nancy and wags ARE communicating for once. They may not agree but at least they are less like two dogs sniffing each others ass and more like two people conversing.

Perhaps a part of the elephant is present.

Hell, I don't know, just an offered view.


sniffing each others ass is very important in dog communication
evaluating crap is actually important...I did post a thread on the topic
however, I don't present myself on this forum as a dog, even though others do

I was merely trying to say that it was important for you both to converse in that perhaps an understanding of each other might ensue.

Normally, I would have taken your post as humour but something makes me feel as though you did not.


It was humor (humour)..hum our
I thought it was funny that you referring to dog ass sniffing....and "wags is a dog".
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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby Mikado14 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:19 pm


Occams razor

Send kevin a Johnny tube.

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby wags » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:19 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:
kevin wrote:I am trying to stay focussed upon this elephant.
Any chance perhaps of a seperate thread talking about bullies?

The action of bullying..the reasons for the bullying
IMO..has an impact on this physical realm
much deeper that this BS between wags and myself

On that point I would agree.
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