Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby kevin » Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:07 pm

DavidG wrote:So, the elephant is accompanied by bees and beetles......Kevin asking once long ago about Chitin...and it's relation to CSE.

Simple beginnings....


Spin, spin, spin( sung to the tune of spam,spam,spam)
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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby kevin » Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:24 pm

Mikado 14,
Scalar is probably wrong, I know what I mean, but thats just confusing the issue....again...sowry.
Whats a word that describes at all scale to infinity along a vector?
Spinning inwards, spinning outwards.
I will go back to walter russell and see how he described vortex cones meeting.
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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby Mikado14 » Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:36 pm

kevin wrote:Mikado 14,
Scalar is probably wrong, I know what I mean, but thats just confusing the issue....again...sowry.
Whats a word that describes at all scale to infinity along a vector?
Spinning inwards, spinning outwards.
I will go back to walter russell and see how he described vortex cones meeting.

If the lines have no divergence or curve then it is just a line for a line as many points within to infinity.

As to spin, our work here has hypothesized that the aether is a sea (simile). If we could see it as looking upon the ocean then where ever there is a density of matter there will exist a vortex and at the point of the vortex will be a coalescing of matter. The greater the density, the greater the mass, that much, we have proven several times.

Now, does correspond to what you see?

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:56 pm

I discussed telomeres on the cancer thread.
Embryonic stem cells also have telomerase. IMO, cancer cells are ADULT stem cells that have mutated into bizarre embryonic stem cells.

Instead of "global thinking", how about stepping back even further.
Has anyone considered that the "universe" is a living organism?
Maybe the lopsided fields on the Earth create the heart beat of this universe?

The Essenes knew something. Starting with the Jesus dude, they transmutated, overcame death, gained immortality.
When Elizabeth Rauscher was here, she sent me several emails from the Consciousness Project. I was flabbergasted that these folks were so dense.
I have posted this before, and would like to again look at it, and get some "translation".
From the Essene Book of the Holy twelve, translated from Aramaic....and that translation is what is getting me stuck...

"From the Ages of Ages is the Eternal Thought, and the Thought is the Word, and the Word is the Act, and these Three are one in the Eternal Law, and the Law is with God and the Law proceeds from God. All things are created by Law and without it is not anything created that existeth. In the Word is Life and Substance, the Fire and the Light. The Love and the Wisdom, are One for the Salvation of all. And the Light shineth in darkness and the darkness concealeth it not. The Word is the one Life-giving Fire, which shining into the world becometh the fire and light of every soul that entereth into the world."

Before I do my own analysis of the above quote, I would like to hear what others perceive these words mean.

Kevin...what creates the spin?
which is the reason for the battle for the minds of men.

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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby kevin » Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:17 pm

First quarter moon always sends Me in a sort of spin
They blame corriolis for amphidromic points, maybe its the moon?
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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby DavidG » Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:53 pm

Some parallels..pun intended...could be drawn between amphidromic points, and regions of high seismic instability, eh?

Seems the amphidromic points make an effort to avoid geologically disturbed areas as well as exhibiting weak tidal activity.


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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby DavidG » Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:58 pm

kevin wrote:Nancy_Hutchison,
First quarter moon always sends Me in a sort of spin
They blame corriolis for amphidromic points, maybe its the moon?

Perhaps a bit of both?
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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby LuisP » Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:02 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:Luis--
I discussed telomeres on the cancer thread.
Embryonic stem cells also have telomerase. IMO, cancer cells are ADULT stem cells that have mutated into bizarre embryonic stem cells.


True about stem cells. Many thanks for calling it !
But my ingrained and scientifically wrong belief ( ?) comes from something I read that has stuck in my mind when digging around HeLa cells : “normal tissue stem cells are telomerase competent but mostly silent, while cancer cells are almost universally telomerase expressing”.

Meaning, former can but won’t while latter can, and do.

That excerpt was written in 2010 by Jerry W. Shay and Woodring E. Wright, who in 1991 were the first guys to propose “a connection between telomeres, telomerase, aging and cancer” in their paper “Defining the molecular mechanism of human cell immortalization” and you can read those guys 2010 full opinion here : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar ... 9310004199

Again, from where I stand, DNA, its deliberate coding and a seemingly “software bug” left inside (intentionally?), are part of what we are addressing.

It is not “just” about Thought (prayer ?) becoming Reality.

Much as that possibility is possible. Very.
I, for one, believe in it.

That is why I don’t think about certain things.
And do, about others.
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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:38 am

I have been dropping bits and pieces, attempting to bring people to a certain awareness level.
IMO, the Elephant in the Room
is US.
WHO are WE?

I see that our bodies are a manifestation of resultant (scalar?) sound waves.
We exist within our bodies, but they are not us. They are akin to a car, a vehicle to travel around within.
We have the ability to create...and destroy.
Throughout tens of thousands of years, maybe more, efforts have been made to control the minds of men.

We create measuring devices, ie an oscilloscope, attempting to learn.
IMO, we have more than the five senses we are taught about in school.
School--programming to make us forget who we are...to destroy cognitive reasoning.
Systems installed into the "governing" of people. Created for division, so that we never unite.

Why are our memories constantly under attack?
Why do we not know the true history of our people on the planet?
What is necessary for us to REMEMBER WHO WE ARE?

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Re: Observations--discussing the Elephant in the Room

Postby kevin » Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:35 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:I have been dropping bits and pieces, attempting to bring people to a certain awareness level.
IMO, the Elephant in the Room
is US.
WHO are WE?

I see that our bodies are a manifestation of resultant (scalar?) sound waves.
We exist within our bodies, but they are not us. They are akin to a car, a vehicle to travel around within.
We have the ability to create...and destroy.
Throughout tens of thousands of years, maybe more, efforts have been made to control the minds of men.

We create measuring devices, ie an oscilloscope, attempting to learn.
IMO, we have more than the five senses we are taught about in school.
School--programming to make us forget who we are...to destroy cognitive reasoning.
Systems installed into the "governing" of people. Created for division, so that we never unite.

Why are our memories constantly under attack?
Why do we not know the true history of our people on the planet?
What is necessary for us to REMEMBER WHO WE ARE?


No point been here if You know?

Ask Yourself for the answers, but lock the answers into the here and now memory field, otherwise they simply are not there to remember.
Conciousness is the key, and the geometry that enables vast multiple dimensions .
The realization that there is a multi dimensional platform that enables ourselves to occupt those dimensions at the self same location and so called time as this one.
Time travel is then not travel at all, but dimensional tripping.
Your present memory is akin to a CD, it only contains what has been written upon it, it can't access.....YET other cd memories, and or larger LP memory , as such.
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