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Postby FM No Static At All » Thu Jul 31, 2014 11:32 am

First let me address Mrs. Hutchinson:

Yes, I am a real person and I am not offended by your words. And yes I am intimately aware of cancer having lost my wife to it and several of my friends and family.

Second, just who the FUCK do you think you are to make assumptions about anyone you do not know? You seem to think that what John has done is something remarkable and yet there is not one shred of evidence the he or you know what you are dealing with. I have seen his videos and read much of what others have said, and while I take it all with a grain of salt, I have yet to see one thing produced to benefit humanity.

Cancer is not a cause, it is an effect. It is CAUSED by a disruption in the patterns of life, the patterns of a living entity, and that is caused by many things, chiefly it seems, that which we ingest, and the lack of oxygen available to us as more forests are destroyed in the name of progress.

I am not an 'expert' in any of this, as I am still learning every day. And so I do not pretend to be a FUCKING KNOW-IT-ALL and I refrain from calling others names or labeling them to fit my opinion of them.

And further, I don't give a RAT'S ASS what you think of me or anyone else because what you think is irrelevant. It is actions that one takes that displays their character.

Finally, George Carlin used his Seven Words to emphasize and not to shock. His humor did not need the shock value because his humor was intelligent and thought provoking on its own merit. So it's not about censorship at all, it's about etiquette and respect for others. Maybe you don't care if others are offended, which only demonstrates you are only about what YOU think and not about compassion or respect of others.

If you feel that my words offend you, deal with it, as we all deal with yours.
Fred a.k.a.
FM No Static at All

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Postby FM No Static At All » Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:56 pm

Fred a.k.a.
FM No Static at All

Fix America - The Patriot Way!
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government...
-Thomas Jefferson (The Declaration of Independence)
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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:30 am

kevin wrote:DavidG,
It is ...divide et impera.
Your new avator which couldn't possibly make You any uglier???
Has been used to cast nesturtions Your way.

I have called Mikado far more and worse things than You, nah, nah de nah nah.
He's rather more resiliant than most though.

This is all rather on't reet thread really???
All of this paranoia is akin to a cancer turning everyone against everyone else.

I hope Nancy is resiliant enough to see through all of this garbage.
And continue Her thread ?
I really hope so, and lets really CUT TO THE CHASE, and puzzle out what this killer is all about, and if it has been weaponised?
Watching what is occuring in Palastine right now, nothing will surprise Me as to how low humans can operate at

oh boy, hammering that nail on the head

First, before you can say "what cancer is"
IMO you need to look at HOW it operates

IT IS THE is not a separate life form (ie a tapeworm) that has invaded the body

weaponized? weaponized memory...oh boy.
Kevin, IMO you have brought very important observations.
Hopefully others can comprehend.

Only two cells replicate with "intact memory"...with telomeres that do not shorten.
A WOMAN carries one of these cells when she is pregnant.

David G. your avatar does not covey a duality of male and female.
Your avatar is a duplicity of male.
Think about that.
Even the Bible thumpers have to admit that the "original human" (and I'm starting to understand human is not the correct word)
was both male and female in one body

Is cancer some type of primordial code gone awry?
Or "someone" has discovered how to trigger the adult stem cells and the communication...memory...message is really fucked up?
or it is a weapon
to keep "humans" from restoring their species?

We can run around and say THC, baking soda, tumeric..."work"
but why do they "work"
what is in those compounds that is similar?
what do these compounds all do in the body concerning INFORMATION to the cells?

and there there is what Preston Nichols said that is very, very troubling.
the "reptilian aliens" loved to drink Drano...lye...because their bodies are so alkaline
if you have read the tomes I have concerning the manipulation of "human" genetics
I don't feel very good about the fact that cancer hates alkaline.

Is there a battle to control "humans".
Different factions all having their fingers in the pot.
And we get to be the big petri dish for "their" experiments.

I say it is time to stop the carnival ride that "humans" and the rest of life on Earth have been been forced upon.
understand the Elephant in the room.

And Kevin has some VITAL observations.
Each of you. Step back.
Look for yourself.
Not what others tell you.
But YOU look.

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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:41 am

FM No Static At All wrote:First let me address Mrs. Hutchinson:

Yes, I am a real person and I am not offended by your words. And yes I am intimately aware of cancer having lost my wife to it and several of my friends and family.

Second, just who the FUCK do you think you are to make assumptions about anyone you do not know? You seem to think that what John has done is something remarkable and yet there is not one shred of evidence the he or you know what you are dealing with. I have seen his videos and read much of what others have said, and while I take it all with a grain of salt, I have yet to see one thing produced to benefit humanity.

Cancer is not a cause, it is an effect. It is CAUSED by a disruption in the patterns of life, the patterns of a living entity, and that is caused by many things, chiefly it seems, that which we ingest, and the lack of oxygen available to us as more forests are destroyed in the name of progress.

I am not an 'expert' in any of this, as I am still learning every day. And so I do not pretend to be a FUCKING KNOW-IT-ALL and I refrain from calling others names or labeling them to fit my opinion of them.

And further, I don't give a RAT'S ASS what you think of me or anyone else because what you think is irrelevant. It is actions that one takes that displays their character.

Finally, George Carlin used his Seven Words to emphasize and not to shock. His humor did not need the shock value because his humor was intelligent and thought provoking on its own merit. So it's not about censorship at all, it's about etiquette and respect for others. Maybe you don't care if others are offended, which only demonstrates you are only about what YOU think and not about compassion or respect of others.

If you feel that my words offend you, deal with it, as we all deal with yours.

To the person who has a name that makes no sense to me: FM blah, blah
My name is Nancy HUTCHISON
I use the name that identifies me to the public.
My words are attached to my name.
You...I don't know you. You choose to hide behind a fictitious artificial entity.

My husband John. You are correct, there is not one shred of evidence.
There are TOMES of evidence.
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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:55 am

Radiation makes lettuce "bolt"
The radiation puts "stress" on the plant and it "hurries up"

The radiation load on the life on this planet is steadily increasing.
When John and I were on the Gulf of Mexico (BP oil disaster) I would say,
"The North has been polluting this area for over 100 years. Using the Gulf as a toilet, sending crap down the Mississippi. The BP oil disaster was like diarrhea on the top of the toilet water."

Same kinda thing with Fukushima.
The radioactive contamination has been affecting life for decades, Fukushima is stepping up the load substantially.
And there WILL be MORE. And not just from Fukushima.

So let's look at the lettuce bolting.
And "humans", and other mammals, animal kingdom.
Are they "bolting" due to the radioactive contamination?
Is that why the "cancer" appears?
Is the cancer an actual embryo?
Yeah, I know, a really messed up embryo.
Misfires in communication.

Have you seen the pictures of the mutated vegetables from Oregon and California?
(in the year after Fukushima blew)
Multiple "procreation".... frantic
panic sex

I'm not joking.

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Postby DavidG » Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:08 am

My avatar? Haha, just a funny picture, duality was the first thing I thought thats what it means to me

Of course as Kevin poses, it is quite ugly.....maybe some lipstick and an artificially grown vagina and fake breasts would convey a better example?

All kidding aside, so youre saying then, doctors using radiation could be making things much worse by killing one area, whilest forcing another which is latent to suddenly grow faster?

Horrific at best, but it explains why many after radiation are declared clear and then get fast metastasizing cancers soon theteafter not associated with the supposedly cured one.

Someday doctors will cure somethig, until then, they wont get their hooks in me unless Im a cadaver.
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Postby DavidG » Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:56 am

Fred, that video was a worthy watch, lots of things in there for all folks to pay close attention to and make changes which are critical in this world today.

I have for six years lived my life that way, eliminating the many things which are mentioned in the video, but one thing which cannot be fully eliminated is the emf computer uses a direct line, but this ipad does not....we shall see I guess, how that pans out.

Do you have any ideas how to negate or minimize the effects of it, considering it wont be going away anytime soon?

As for the friction here which is apparent, I and certainly others are seeing it as a rehash of what has happened on Lindas forum, and prc where people had strong ideas and views and could not morph them into a cohesive package without further damage to the ultimate goal of combining diciplines for a better understanding of our foes such as cancer and governmental control of the energy industry.

We all have faults, so please see fit to look past disagrements with Nancy, as she must do herself in return, because both of you have shared some great knowledge with everyone who peruses these pages Mikado has done such a good job of keeping going through his own turmoil.

Im no expert in the fields that Kevin, nor yourself, nor Nancy are so well versed in, but as a people person who has vast experience working with challenging social and personal issues in many folks through the years, I do try to be a bonding agent among folks, and provide a positive word to the problems they and all of us face.

I truly hope this will be the place where we all can drop any superiority complexes, or egotistical driven agendas, to become a formidable team who can learn from each others empathetic and compassionate selves.

Anyhoo, I wont pontificate any longer but to say.....reptilians, radiation, cancer, overtly masculine nondualistic avatars.....whatever dilemnas we face as these all come together to attack us, shall be a singular and much larger problem we all face at some point in the future if we dont get a team mind assembled to save humanity from whatever it has in store tomorrow and today.

Love and peace to you all
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Postby Mikado14 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:10 am

David...I concur

The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.

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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:47 pm

Fruitbat wrote:Lets cut to the chase.. Cancer used to be relatively rare. Now it is not.
It is a process by which a small part of your body rebels against the way it has been programmed to act and "exalts itself" above its surroundings.

I have recently seen cancer for real in a creature that I care for a great deal.
It looks to my simple way of looking at things essentially "wrong".
Currently medical science finds that cancer is curiously resilient to treatment, and as one consultant put it; "It is an unforgiving condition".
Many of the "treatments" including the Rick Simpson method have hideous side effects that reduce the quality of life or shorten it to an unacceptable degree, but this is not seemingly made clear to the average patient, which I find disturbing when I encounter it in human or in vetinary medicine. In vetinary medicine they are much less constrained by a need to give hope to the patient, of course. But then there is the money, so they still like to go through the motions before telling you that they can't really help you.

I saw my cats tumour vanish in three weeks or less as a result of giving him a variant of the basic Rick Simpson oil.
I've also lost two warts by treating them with it.
Despite Luis's argument I HAVE definitely read in mutiple places in the past that THC plays a part in the curative process.

I'm just hoping that what I have done might prove practically helpful to others who find themselves in a situation where orthodox science offers them no hope. I will say though that even the most ardent pothead is quite likely to find getting stoned twice a day for many hours over the course of two months a bit wearing. I am told that if one is prepared to be persistent and makes a proper case that a licence can be obtained to do research with cannabis, but one needs to apply now in the UK if one want to attack a tumour in 2 years time. (A friend of a friend did his PHD thesis on cannabis as a treatment for depression) I hope that when my time comes I'll be brave enough to try out (and document) an alternative treatment before letting conventional medicine loose on me. I'd certainly eat the bitter apricot kernels if I were in Kim's position, no questions asked. Google DrKrebs 1974 if you wish for how/why they alledgedly work.

Wishing you all the best.



My brother has leukemia, a specific type that is only caused by radiation poisoning. The only exposure to radiation he has had is from his extensive international flying.
I could write pages about the people (and animals) that I was personally close with, and who died of cancer.

Bitter apricot kernels--the inside of the pits of apricots.
My former husband (Lazaryan) is from Armenia. His parents were both physicians, his father the director of public health for the country.
Apricots are a huge part of the Armenian diet.
He told me no one in Armenia gets cancer, because they eat the inside of the pits of apricots. Sometimes daily.
B-17 is contained in apricot "kernels". B-17 contains cyanide. Only two things unlock the cyanide--red clover, and a cancer cell.
The Laetrile treatment is based upon it. Extensively studied and successes in New Zealand (and documented with "white papers").

The B-17 enters the cell, and the cancer unlocks the cyanide. Killing the cancer cell from within.
Seems like a mini-immune system made just to handle cancer.

This is how I currently understand the mechanism.
However, questions---
Cyanide kills...kills the cancer cells from the inside out. Does not affect the none cancer cells.
What is happening when cyanide "kills"?
Is the cyanide interfering with the communication to the "whole"? "Cutting off communications, and thereby the cancer cell cease to function?"
Cancer...appears to be like the "Borg" from Star Trek...and by cutting communications off, the "hive cannot function".

Is this the same function of turmeric? of THC?

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Postby kevin » Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:40 pm

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