by Mikado14 » Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:17 pm
Magnetic Buoyancy
I remember discussing this once before in regard to the Apollo LEM. I too have found the fact that the LEM launched from the surface of the Moon and achieved orbit on the engine that it had.
I wonder, if this is a reaction to the magnetic lines of force, does the work of Bruce Cathie have a bearing on this? i.e. the greatest buoyancy is on a Cathie line or isogonic line?
The thing about Inner Circles is that they are like Boxes - difficult to think outside of them.
"When the Debate is Lost, Slander is the Tool of the Loser" SOCRATES
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
― Søren Kierkegaard