DavidG wrote:"snip"
They go, thinking they will experience something spawned by their invented god, and come home misinterpreting once again the truth about how we are all interconnected through Mind and Desire.
Until people start to accept their that religion is a shroud of insanity over a clear, obvious reality, these types of experiences will be no more than a day of emotions worn on their sleeves.
To be conscious, is not to have consciousness...
Do you know what the “
truth” is, David ? Have you been able to “
correctly interpret” it ?
I am not asking this from an Antagonist position, just Conversationalist, hope you realize.
If “
we are all interconnected through Mind and Desire” as you claim – and I agree ! - is that a random, aleatory characteristic of “we all” … or is it fruit of a Design, and therefore, something Intentional, and consequently, Intelligent ?
Why is religion “
a shroud of insanity” ?
What is “religion”, David ?
Is the man who prays to the power of Universal Spirit less religious – or more – than the one who prays to some, pronounceable and to others unpronounceable, God ? Is the man who walks his path following what he listens and understands from Life around him more religious – or less – than the man who does it listening and understanding what a Book says? Is the man who recognizes Superior Wisdom in another Man, and follows his Sayings and prays for his intercession, less religious or more religious than another who centralizes that request on a “invented God” ?
What is the “
clear, obvious reality” you state exists, David ?
Of the 7 Billlion people with whom you share the “interconnection” you claim we all possess, close to 6,3 Billion are “religious” of some sort or way – and that’s perhaps a smaller relative percentage now than since recorded History exists and tells us about it.
Are they all “insane” ? or does it Prove, behind a shadow of a doubt, that Man feels, and has since ever felt, that he is more than his simple Self and that his Emotions towards “Religion” (whatever that truly is) are a lot more – a lot more– than simple “
experiences worn on their sleeves” ?
Why is not “religion” a path to Sanity ? Not this or that “Religion” but …. religion ?
Many a Insane man tried to eradicate religion. Some by proclaiming themselves gods, others by “inventing” an Idea that could assume its place. They killed millions trying to do it and were directly responsible for the abject misery of many millions more.
And they all failed, time and time again throughout Time, despite their most bloody and violent efforts.
Why ? From where did the Strength of “plain Joes” of different colors, creeds and ways of looking at Life over the Ages came to resist once, twice, hundreds of times …. the bloodthirsty Insanity of those that felt “religion” was the Evil ?
Have you ever asked yourself that, David ?
As to the Damocles analogy you make – if you truly know the story – you would then know that it can (and should) be read both ways …. kind like a double-edged Sword is .
Yes, there is the commonly known side which is to not live in fear of a sword falling on one’s head for it deprives one of happiness, or of achieving anything.
But there’s the other side to it.
For Damocles had traded places with his king on the Throne, but then could not muster the nerve to keep seated on it by reason of the sword the king had suspended over his head by a horse’s single hair, and then begged the king to return to his place. Which he did.
There are some that will accept the Perils - and the Sword over one’s head it represents - for they are inseparable from Power and Knowledge.
That’s the other, less known side, to Damocles story – you do what you have to do despite Fear.
Not because of it or to be free from it.
“To be conscious, is not to have consciousness”, you say.
I would contend that’s an extremely wrong and dangerous proposition.
Then again,
What do I know ?