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Postby DavidG » Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:27 am

If the universal information field contains the required resonance then creation will occur.
Also if the bio resonance of anything is matched it will flourish, or if the resonance is strong enough it will break down creation.
Rife was spot on.
IMHO all so called diseases could be treated with resonance to destroy them, and our vital parts and organs enchanched by supplying the required levels of specific resonance.
They are recieving this naturally from the overall field via transmission and feedback, but if too much alternate resonances are flooding the local area or overall planatery field, then were in trouble.

We really are just cosmic goo on an infinite cymatics plate.

It's just a MATTER of WHO or WHAT is desiring to assemble the MASS.
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Postby kevin » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:35 am

We are co-creators inputting into the dominant field We are within, as is everyhing.
Which is what distrurbs Me about all of these so called GAMES content of murder and war.
Reap as You sew.
So what is the dominant field this planet is within?
Dr Brown looked to Hercules I believe???
Galatic centre.
It's all in the static ( who said that? )
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Postby DavidG » Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:29 pm

kevin wrote:Davidg,
We are co-creators inputting into the dominant field We are within, as is everyhing.
Which is what distrurbs Me about all of these so called GAMES content of murder and war.
Reap as You sew.
So what is the dominant field this planet is within?
Dr Brown looked to Hercules I believe???
Galatic centre.
It's all in the static ( who said that? )

Precisely, Kevin, we ride an arm of a much greater entity as our solar system in our galaxy..our sun is but a

Clearly our sun is the second most influential source of such field effects, fed by the infinitely small center of the Milky Way.

I wish we could get on another channel someday, and start healing the location we are in...
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Postby kevin » Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:48 pm

It is occuring right now.

A lady came in My shop Sunday and bought a yewwood table and a letter rack, She suddenly remarked that She didn't know why She had come into My shop in the first place.
I replied .."Yes You do"
She was staring at Me puzzled, then I asked Her if She knew of Nikola Tesla, when She nearly fell over.
She then explained how She had just been to a meeting about Tesla, and how they were lost about how many windings to use on a device.
After a long conversation She invited Me to meet these people, to help them.
Petit Monde, as Trompe Reynard would say.
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Postby LuisP » Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:36 pm

DavidG wrote:"snip"
They go, thinking they will experience something spawned by their invented god, and come home misinterpreting once again the truth about how we are all interconnected through Mind and Desire.

Until people start to accept their that religion is a shroud of insanity over a clear, obvious reality, these types of experiences will be no more than a day of emotions worn on their sleeves.

To be conscious, is not to have consciousness...

Do you know what the “truth” is, David ? Have you been able to “correctly interpret” it ?

I am not asking this from an Antagonist position, just Conversationalist, hope you realize.

If “we are all interconnected through Mind and Desire” as you claim – and I agree ! - is that a random, aleatory characteristic of “we all” … or is it fruit of a Design, and therefore, something Intentional, and consequently, Intelligent ?

Why is religion “a shroud of insanity” ?
What is “religion”, David ?

Is the man who prays to the power of Universal Spirit less religious – or more – than the one who prays to some, pronounceable and to others unpronounceable, God ? Is the man who walks his path following what he listens and understands from Life around him more religious – or less – than the man who does it listening and understanding what a Book says? Is the man who recognizes Superior Wisdom in another Man, and follows his Sayings and prays for his intercession, less religious or more religious than another who centralizes that request on a “invented God” ?

What is the “clear, obvious reality” you state exists, David ?

Of the 7 Billlion people with whom you share the “interconnection” you claim we all possess, close to 6,3 Billion are “religious” of some sort or way – and that’s perhaps a smaller relative percentage now than since recorded History exists and tells us about it.

Are they all “insane” ? or does it Prove, behind a shadow of a doubt, that Man feels, and has since ever felt, that he is more than his simple Self and that his Emotions towards “Religion” (whatever that truly is) are a lot more – a lot more– than simple “experiences worn on their sleeves” ?

Why is not “religion” a path to Sanity ? Not this or that “Religion” but …. religion ?

Many a Insane man tried to eradicate religion. Some by proclaiming themselves gods, others by “inventing” an Idea that could assume its place. They killed millions trying to do it and were directly responsible for the abject misery of many millions more.

And they all failed, time and time again throughout Time, despite their most bloody and violent efforts.

Why ? From where did the Strength of “plain Joes” of different colors, creeds and ways of looking at Life over the Ages came to resist once, twice, hundreds of times …. the bloodthirsty Insanity of those that felt “religion” was the Evil ?

Have you ever asked yourself that, David ?

As to the Damocles analogy you make – if you truly know the story – you would then know that it can (and should) be read both ways …. kind like a double-edged Sword is .

Yes, there is the commonly known side which is to not live in fear of a sword falling on one’s head for it deprives one of happiness, or of achieving anything.

But there’s the other side to it.
For Damocles had traded places with his king on the Throne, but then could not muster the nerve to keep seated on it by reason of the sword the king had suspended over his head by a horse’s single hair, and then begged the king to return to his place. Which he did.

There are some that will accept the Perils - and the Sword over one’s head it represents - for they are inseparable from Power and Knowledge.

That’s the other, less known side, to Damocles story – you do what you have to do despite Fear.
Not because of it or to be free from it.

“To be conscious, is not to have consciousness”, you say.

I would contend that’s an extremely wrong and dangerous proposition.

Then again,
What do I know ?
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Postby Nancy_Hutchison » Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:42 pm

I find "religion" to be fascinating.
Especially the "original documents" that were then used to "create a particular religion".
Its information.
Information that gets manipulated to control the minds of men.
Very powerful....The desire of people to "have some connection to something other than their physical bodies."

The very "best" that I can do is observe. And then read about what other people observed.

Interesting changes happening with the Johnny Tubes. Some folks here are "concluding" that the Johny Tubes "have consciousness". I can only say, I an observing some interesting changes.

Luis, perhaps you would like to look around for an iMac computer...the one that has the screen and computer as one unit, and it sits up on a "handle"...a G4 or G5. I can send you the software to make a recording from your unit, using the iMac.

The OLDER version...that is what I have the software for. (PowerPC)

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Postby DavidG » Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:12 am

LuisP wrote:
DavidG wrote:"snip"
They go, thinking they will experience something spawned by their invented god, and come home misinterpreting once again the truth about how we are all interconnected through Mind and Desire.

Until people start to accept their that religion is a shroud of insanity over a clear, obvious reality, these types of experiences will be no more than a day of emotions worn on their sleeves.

To be conscious, is not to have consciousness...

Should have read..."To be conscious, is to not have UNconsciousness" Ooops. my pee poor editing skills...or maybe thats what I Really meant?

Do you know what the “truth” is, David ? Have you been able to “correctly interpret” it ?

I am not asking this from an Antagonist position, just Conversationalist, hope you realize.

I do, I do..excellent..conversation is good...I have interpreted things as being different from what religions state for the most part from my observations..but I do NOT believe, nor have 100 percent knowledge of what is correct..all I do say, is that what we are seeing in religion, is wrong.

If “we are all interconnected through Mind and Desire” as you claim – and I agree ! - is that a random, aleatory characteristic of “we all” … or is it fruit of a Design, and therefore, something Intentional, and consequently, Intelligent ?

It is a flow, which never stops, from source to is a characteristic, and also at once, the entirety of existence.

Why is religion “a shroud of insanity” ?
What is “religion”, David ?

Beliefs invented for control and power over the Laity. This approach to fellow humanity who are equal in every way, displays insane behaviour and insane thought patterns...sociopathic, psychopathic, and every other pathic there is...

Is the man who prays to the power of Universal Spirit less religious – or more – than the one who prays to some, pronounceable and to others unpronounceable, God ? Is the man who walks his path following what he listens and understands from Life around him more religious – or less – than the man who does it listening and understanding what a Book says? Is the man who recognizes Superior Wisdom in another Man, and follows his Sayings and prays for his intercession, less religious or more religious than another who centralizes that request on a “invented God” ?

What is the “clear, obvious reality” you state exists, David ?

Swim in a spring..pick up a pine coe, observe nature..there is your answer. :)

Of the 7 Billlion people with whom you share the “interconnection” you claim we all possess, close to 6,3 Billion are “religious” of some sort or way – and that’s perhaps a smaller relative percentage now than since recorded History exists and tells us about it.

Are they all “insane” ? or does it Prove, behind a shadow of a doubt, that Man feels, and has since ever felt, that he is more than his simple Self and that his Emotions towards “Religion” (whatever that truly is) are a lot more – a lot more– than simple “experiences worn on their sleeves” ?

Why is not “religion” a path to Sanity ? Not this or that “Religion” but …. religion ?

Many a Insane man tried to eradicate religion. Some by proclaiming themselves gods, others by “inventing” an Idea that could assume its place. They killed millions trying to do it and were directly responsible for the abject misery of many millions more.

And they all failed, time and time again throughout Time, despite their most bloody and violent efforts.

Why ? From where did the Strength of “plain Joes” of different colors, creeds and ways of looking at Life over the Ages came to resist once, twice, hundreds of times …. the bloodthirsty Insanity of those that felt “religion” was the Evil ?

Have you ever asked yourself that, David ?

The Laity is definitely well designed for the job it does, and more than willing to bow to that religion which promises it splendor in heaven, for a bit of sufferening here today..making every religious person self important to a degree, as they try to achieve personal Jesusness, with a turned eye for their brother.

As to the Damocles analogy you make – if you truly know the story – you would then know that it can (and should) be read both ways …. kind like a double-edged Sword is .

Yes, there is the commonly known side which is to not live in fear of a sword falling on one’s head for it deprives one of happiness, or of achieving anything.

But there’s the other side to it.
For Damocles had traded places with his king on the Throne, but then could not muster the nerve to keep seated on it by reason of the sword the king had suspended over his head by a horse’s single hair, and then begged the king to return to his place. Which he did.

There are some that will accept the Perils - and the Sword over one’s head it represents - for they are inseparable from Power and Knowledge.

That’s the other, less known side, to Damocles story – you do what you have to do despite Fear.
Not because of it or to be free from it.

Fear and uncertainty..veiled as faith and hope....two edges of a double edged sword..they both will kill, and neither are safe from any seating position.

“To be conscious, is not to have consciousness”, you say.
Again..typo..or is it? ;)

I would contend that’s an extremely wrong and dangerous proposition.

Then again,
What do I know ?

You DO know everything, can you access it though? I think you can. Thanks for the excellent is refreshing to wax on these things with a concise well, mate!

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Postby LuisP » Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:06 pm

Yes, maybe to “wax on these things” is important.
Especially, since I’m not as versed in it as you seem to be for I have no absolute certainties - in fact, only have absolute questions – and my knowledge of Religions is limited to my own, therefore inhibiting me from making generalizations.
Since this is a thread dedicated to “Counsciousness”, what I tried to argue is that being Conscious is perhaps nothing more than an adjective used by those who refuse to accept, essentially, that Man has an underlying religious nature.

As in all matters, Simplicity is usually very clear.

So, if one is able to understand that History and history are the same words but with different meanings, maybe Religion and religion could also be seen that way and as common ground devoid of pre judgments.

Problem is that – at least from my experience – Simplicity is the end product of an extremely complex task. And most of the times, when one tries to be simple, one ends only being stupid.

Hoping it may go across in the former and not the latter sense :
- If religion could be defined as the “humble listening of the whole of existence” could not Religion be defined as the “meek obedience to the whole of a church” ?

If on that notion,
1 - Humbleness has nothing to do with being meek. But with being aware that arrogance closes paths and shuts down the pursuit of Truth.
2 – Listening, in its allegorical sense, has nothing to do with being obedient. But with being willing to use our Spirit, and not just our Minds.
3 – Existence has nothing to do with a church. But with the fact that everything follows certain pre ordained rules, set by Design and not by randomness.

So, maybe Religion is but what Man has so far been able to come up with, to translate religion.

Translate … not Understand.

For Man - I do believe for everything shows it - has understood that since Dawn.

Cheers to you too, mate !

PS : Next time you “swim in a spring (or) pick up a pine coe”, you might wish to considerate why countless men before you did it too, and may have felt the same.

And resisted those who would call it “sociopathic, psychopathic, and every other pathic there is” thoughts and feelings.

But hey… whatever. Just trying to make some sense out of senseles things.
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Postby LuisP » Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:21 pm

Nancy_Hutchison wrote:Luis, perhaps you would like to look around for an iMac computer...the one that has the screen and computer as one unit, and it sits up on a "handle"...a G4 or G5. I can send you the software to make a recording from your unit, using the iMac.

The OLDER version...that is what I have the software for. (PowerPC)


I've tried Macs and not done well with it. Too far down Gates' way of interfacing to understand a different logic unless if made to, I fear.

If this recording is important to you and I can help what you are doing by me doing it, I'll do it. If not, I am not worried or even curious. I know what you sent is doing is work and am grateful for being able to participate in something I deem extremely important, unique even, and that is all that matters.

So, please advise.

Best to you and Jonh ....and please keep up the good work.

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Postby DavidG » Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:28 am

Well, for one, the Nazis could teach us a thing or two about the insanity of could any Pope or Christian minister worth his salt, because they can't lie, right? LOL!

As for consciousness, it has many faces and many so called definitions..all relative to the observer I surmise.

Verb, noun, or can be a quagmire to infer one definite definition.

Then we have the atheists, who feel their end of the spectrum is all correcto mundo...and deists who feel there has to be a god figure...

What it seems to me is man is always looking outside himself for answers, and as the jesus dude once said, look within..I can't understand why everything is seeming to be steeped in bizarro world for if skepticism is another faction or dogma of the whole.

Pantheism, panspermia, pan flute...what does it all mean?
Consciousness is the filter which strains the wheat from the chaff in my opinion here, and slowing down and simplifying is a wonderful way to describe the solution, Luis, right on brother!

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